Chapter 2

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*derek's pov is when he wakes up*

Derek's POV:

I woke up in a strange room there was hardly any light coming in only a lamp and a bed but nothing else, 

I didn't know where i was what happened?  "think Derek think" 

"owww" I remember a car crash and helping and getting into my car but the rest is a blur....

"OMG MEREDITH!" i screamed but it came out more like a croak caused from most likely dehydration. Then a tall slim figure enters my room he is wearing a black suit too professional to be doctor mind you.

"Derek Shepperd?  " the man said

"Yes that's me where am i ?" I croaked

"we will get to the part but first let's get down to business and why you are here. I am Sergeant Hanson and I'm here to discuss your current situation." he replied


At first when he was explaining what happened I was calm but that soon escalated when he said my friends and family think I died.

"So basically you are telling me that until I finish brain mapping i can't go home to my family? But not only that they think I've fucking died! Do you know how messed up that is?! 

"uhh Derek i understand that-"

"NO  YOU DON'T, BECAUSE YOU CAN GO HOME TO YOUR FAMILY AND THEY KNOW YOU'RE ALIVE AND WELL AND IT IS DOCTOR SHEPPERD TO YOU!" I was fuming they can't just keep me here against my will but it looks like I have no choice. 

*alex pov is when he goes to visit mer and finds the note*

Alex's POV: 

I rang Mer but she didn't pick up I was getting really worried she never has her phone off unless she has surgery but she has been told to take time off for a while. Something just isn't adding up so I think I should go round an pay her a visit.


I arrived at Mer and Derek's house, right now sadly it is just Mer's house. I rang the doorbell and there was no reply so I continued to ring the bell and knocked multiple times continuously until i gave up and started to search for the spare key. Oh God what if something has happened to her! I need to find the key and fast.

Not long after I found the key until a rock, classic Mer going for the easiest place to hide something she needs to work on that I chuckled to myself. I went in and my mood changed drastically I could feel the colour draining from me, everything was disorientated and quiet definitely not normal for the Grey-Shepperd clan. I began to search the house I started with kitchen and  that's when I found a note addressed to me, it's like she knew I would come over to check on her. I chuckled once again but this time not so cheerful

I began to read the note.....  

Chapter two done and dusted! Hope you like it :) once again leave any feedback and advice you have and what i should add the next chapter will continue with Alex and move onto when the rest find out and possibly to mer's pov but idk yet.

Have a great day!!


Word count: 553

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