Chapter 22

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Cristina's POV:

I couldn't believe that so much had happened since I left, Derek has supposedly died and has now come back to life which I'm still trying to wrap my head around as I went to his freakin funeral and now he is here alive and well. And not only that but Mer had a baby, by herself she didn't even tell me nor evil spawn where she was and that she was pregnant and now I'm here and it has brought back all the many memories I have here and I'm starting to wonder if moving to Switzerland was a good idea.

" So Mer, let me get this straight, McDreamy died and you moved to Boston and spent what 8 months there? and then you go in labor or something and they call Derek, not realizing he was supposed to be dead, and then Alex sees him and knocks him out? I must say go, Alex, something to tell that ass that fake dying is a dumbass move to make."

"Yes, Cris. I thought he died I told the kids he was on holiday which now can make more sense but I spent endless nights crying and then I found out that I was pregnant with Ellis, and I knew I had to keep her because she was the last piece of Derek I had, and now he is here bringing me coffee and muffins and saying sorry A LOT. And I don't know do I forgive him, Cristina, I know it wasn't his fault and he had no choice but he left me, he left the kids."

Hearing Mer talk like this broke my heart although I would never admit it, it hurt me to see my person so vulnerable I knew she isn't too far from going all dark and twisty again and when she does I will be here.

"May, I interrupt?"

"Hello, Derek how was the underworld?"

"Seriously Cristina, I've not even been back for a month and you're already making jokes about my death, I would hate to imagine what you were like when I was "dead"."

"Hey no need to get angry, don't want your heart going up and you crashing again."


"Sorry Mer, I'll leave the McDreamies to talk, but page me if you need anything and that includes kicking McAss over here out of the room."


"Okay bye, I'm going to find evil spawn."


Meredith's POV:

I'm so tired I want to sleep, all this feels like a dream that I'll wake up back in Boston and that Derek did actually die and Cristina is still in Switzerland, all of these thoughts were draining my energy but I had to stay awake because I didn't want this dream to end and to be brought back to reality just yet.

"Mer are you listening to me, you've been staring at that wall for the last hour, what's up in that beautiful brain of yours?"

"Derek, I'm tired and I don't want to sleep because this feels like a dream, and if I sleep I'll lose you all over again and I'll just wake up back in Boston with an empty bed where you're supposed to be. Derek, I can't and don't want to lose you again, I can live without you I did it for the past 8 months but I don't want to, I don't want to lose you."

"Meredith, I can assure you this isn't a dream, I get that feeling too I can't sleep for the same reason as you but I'll wake up back in the small room, without you and the kids and I don't want that to happen. When I was in D.C you and the kids were all I thought about, that's why I worked so hard so I could get back to you and now I'm here and you're here we are together again with three gorgeous kids, we can get our life back on track."

"Derek, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too Mer, now if we go to sleep together I promise you we will wake up together."

Chapter 22 is done! Can't believe we are up to chapter 22! I can't believe it and to see what it is to come! I hope you all liked this chapter and that you look forward to more, I'll try my best to update when I can :)

Don't forget to vote/comment and maybe read my other stories if you want to and if you haven't already :)

Have a great day!


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