Chapter 30

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Meredith's POV:

"Derek? Derek? Did you just squeeze my hand if you can hear me please squeeze my hand again please?"

By this point, I am full-on crying not even trying to hide it anymore Derek squeezed my hand and our life can start up again.



Derek's POV:

My head is throbbing in pain, I can Meredith's voice but my eyes won't open it's like they are glued shut all I can do is squeeze Mer's hand and my hardest try and fight the heavy darkness that is trying to take over my body. 

I slowly go back into the darkness no longer hearing Meredith's cries of happiness and sadness I'm stuck in the dark until I can find the strength to fight again.


Meredith's POV:

"He should be awake by now Bailey, why isn't he awake? I swear he squeezed my hand twice!"

"Meredith, you have just gone through some trauma your brain could be tricking you into thinking he squeezed your hand. I think it would be best if you went home have a shower take a nap and we will page you if anything changes."

"But- what if he wakes up and I'm not there, he can't wake up without me I can't leave him again."

"And you won't be Meredith, by the looks of things he won't wake up for a few more hours now go home that is an order, Grey."


"No, go home."

I reluctantly made my way to my car to have a shower and see the kids for a while but a part of me feels guilty for leaving, for leaving him by himself and if he wakes up he would think I left him and I can't handle that. If only I had told him not to go to Joe's we could have avoided this whole thing, we could be happy and healthy.


As I stand in the shower the water is so hot that it burns but I'm numb to it all, my thoughts wander thinking about our relationship and how far we have grown from the girl and guy in a bar to the house of candles, post it a wedding, adopting Zola, Bailey, D.C (I would rather forget), and Ellis our life together has been hectic but I wouldn't trade it for anything else I just wish we didn't have to go through life and death situations to realize how much we truly loved each other.

I didn't want to the warmth and comfort of the shower, but I knew I had to go explain to the kids what has happened to Derek, and I'm not sure if they could handle another accident happening but here we are having to find out if they really can cope with the news that will shock the system. I've finally figured out what I would say to Zola and Bailey (Ellis is too young to understand etc) so now it's time to leave the warmth and safety that was my shower.


"Kids could come to the living room now? And say thank you to Uncle Alex for taking you home."

Z&B- "Thanks uncle Alex"

A- "No problem, bye guys I'll see you later."


"Guys I need to talk to you, it's serious okay?"

Z- "Okay...."

B- "Okay mama>"

"So daddy got into an accident, he is okay but he is asleep at the moment and he will be at the hospital for a while, would you like to see him before he wakes up or after?"

B-  "now!"

Z- "Is he okay? He won't die?"

"No Zozo, they don't think he will die but I know that when he wakes up he would love to see you three, I know he has missed you."

Z- "can- can we see him now?"

"Yes but he will have some tubes and wires around him, but we can see him."


Derek's POV:

I can feel my eyes lids becoming lighter and my hearing coming back but this time I not only hear Mer's voice but I hear Zola's and Bailey's while Meredith is trying to calm down Ellis. The darkness and the weight of my eyes have gone and I try to open my eyes, immediately bright lights burn my eyes and my throat is so dry I can barely speak but it's bearable.

Z&B- "Mummy! Daddy's awake!"

M- "Shhhhh, Daddy's head probably really hurts we have to use our inside voices okay?"

God, she's a great mother she cares and nurtures them and is strong for us all no matter what happens."

"Hi" Which came out as more of a croak than a word.

M-"Derek? Can you remember? Does your head hurt?"

"Mer, I'm fine you don't have to worry. I have a headache but I'll be fine and yes I remember that night."

Hi Everyone! I hope you liked this chapter I am kind of thinking of a way to end this story because I don't want it to drag on when it doesn't need to be if that makes sense, but don't worry I'm thinking about writing a new story I just need to find some inspo first. If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment it means so much :)

Have a great day


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