Chapter 35

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Meredith's POV:

Derek has been acting very jumpy and on edge, at first, I thought it was the excitement over getting his casts taken off but then the jumpiness didn't go away so now I think it's his PTSD but he promises me it isn't. Something just isn't adding up.

"Derek, stop. Seriously what is up with you today? You seem so on edge like if you say the wrong thing you will let something slip."

I can see the panic in his eyes and I know I hit the nail on the head.

"Ahhh so you are keeping something from me! Just so you know Derek Christopher Shepherd you are a terrible lair and secret keeper."

"Ah that's where you're wrong Meredith Grey, I happen to be an amazing secret keeper"

"Oh really so what's the secret?"

"Well- wait I see what you're doing and it won't work Mer."

"We'll see Derek."

Derek's POV:

That was a close one, if we are being honest I am a terrible secret keeper Mer and I both know that and she knows I am hiding something but if Cristina can just turn around the corner one secret will be out in the open.

"Derek, please just tell me pleaseeeeee."

"Begging won't work Meredith."

*Meredith pouts*

"And it may be cute but neither will pouting."

"But- argh fine I am going to see if I can do any charts."

"Wait you can't!"

"And whys that?"

Cristina- "Because you are supposed to be having coffee with your person."

Really Cristina's timing is impeccable.

Meredith-"OMG Cristina! What are you doing here?"

Cristina- "I wanted to meet the newest Grey-Shepherd obviously and maybe see my person at the same time."

"Well, I'll leave you to talk while I could find Richard."

Now my plan is ago I need to start on finding those patients' files and fast.


Meredith's POV:

It's so surreal, one minute I was talking to Derek and now I am sitting here with Cristina who I haven't seen in a while so much has changed since we last saw each other in person. Derek died, I was pregnant, Derek came back from the dead the day or day after to be honest who can remember after I gave birth, Derek got attacked. So much has changed and it's only been a year since everything has happened.

"So Mer from what I have heard you have had an eventful year, to say the least, any more near-death experiences to add to the list?"

Should I tell Cristina about the beach? I haven't even told Derek about the beach.

"Well actually yes. Derek or Alex probably told you about the C section infection but I didn't tell them about the beach."

"The beach? Mer are you serious right now you nearly died on a beach?"

"Well no. But while I coded and was in surgery and asleep yet to wake up from the surgery. I was on a beach there was Mark, Lexie, George they were telling me that if I chose to stay on the beach I was basically accepting that I was dying, and if I walked to Derek or Derek's voice I accepted that I wanted to live."

Cristina is looking at me speechless, I know what I said sounds crazy hence why I never told anyone, but she is my person she has to believe me even when I sound crazy.

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