Chapter 33

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*Disclaimer! I do know that PTSD is a lifelong battle, but in this story/chapter Derek and his therapist come up with a system that helps him. I am not in any way saying PTSD gets cured and solved fast. Just thought I should clear that up in case it has come across that way. Also, Ellis is let's say four months old*

Day 23:

Derek's POV:

Things are starting to look up, my injuries are healing, I'm taking my meds and my sleeping and eating are on it's way back to normal. My doctors are saying I can be discharged in a week if all things go well, considering last week I had a small fever and infection but that has died down.

Meredith seems happier knowing that we are now on the home stretch and I must say I never thought I would make it home again, I thought I was going to die but now, I am a week away from going home back to my family, and that thought makes me smile a real smile for the first time in almost a month.

But first I have to go to my therapy session to talk about my feelings.


"So Derek, I would like to say how proud I am of you for how far you have come throughout the sessions, but you still have a long road ahead of you. I understand that you still have nightmares or flashbacks? Is the medication working for you?"

Woah deep-diving right into the questions okay then.

"I think the meds are working, I mean I have flashbacks but that just is what comes with having PTSD, and well I think I'm ready to go home. I mean the nightmares and flashbacks don't scare the kids or Meredith anymore so I'm ready and they are ready."

"Derek, you understand that in this situation you come first, Meredith and the kids come second you need to think are you ready to come home, or are you wanting to come home so your family is happy?"

I guess, I never really thought about the situation in that aspect, and now that I think of it maybe I only want to go home because I want my kids to be happy.

"I never thought of it like that, I guess I want to go home for the family but I also think that being home would make me feel more comfortable than being in the hospital for the time being."

"Derek, when I sign your discharge patients I want to add more sessions in a week before you I can clear you for surgery, I am just not 100% convinced you are ready and that you have told me everything. So we will finish her and I will you in 2 days."

"Okay thank you, Dr. Wyatt."


Meredith's POV:

At the Grey-Shepherd household, it has been busy and crazy nonstop, the kids are throwing more tantrums than normal, and not going to lie it's hard without Derek. Zola is taking him being in hospital the worse out of her and Bailey and I can't find a way to comfort her because all she wants is her father.

"Zola! I am not calling you again, it's dinner time!"


"Zola, please don't make me come up there."


"Zola, I'm going to count to 5 and you better be down here."

"Alright I am coming, Bailey stay there please."


"Zola, open your door."

She doesn't respond once again, so I open her door and she is sitting on her floor facing the wall crying.

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