Chapter 25

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* a couple of months later*

Meredith's POV:

Life has been going so far so good, with Derek being back the kids are happier, I'm happier everything is going according to plan and we are living our perfect lives as a family of five. Derek has returned to work and despite Amelia being his boss he has adjusted to it all again it's like he never even left, but for me on the other hand I won't be back for a little while longer, which is fine with me because I get to spend time with the kids and I've started to learn how to cook although Derek isn't so sure about letting me in the kitchen yet.

Zola has just started kindergarten and struggled with leaving the house today, so it's just Ellis, Bailey, and me all day long someday are better than others and today is definitely not that day.

"ZOLA I need you to hurry up we are going to be late!"


"Zola, we have talked about this Daddy will still be here when you get home and so will I no one is leaving anytime soon okay?"

"But, daddy left for agesss."

"I know, but he is still here and won't be leaving anytime soon so let's get your shoes on and let's get you to school so you can meet some new friends, and Sofia will be there so you will have someone you know, so let's go."

"OK mummy."

It broke my heart that Zola didn't know if her father would still be here when she got home and I hate how I traumatized her with moving so soon and her father leaving, I wish I could have done things differently.


Derek's POV:

The day has been dragging on, I've gotten constant stares and pulled aside thinking I was a ghost and honestly I'm sick of it I explained to everyone the situation and yet they forget that part and only remember the faking death part which is really starting to piss me off.

"Dr. Shepherd?"

"Yes, Dr.Smith, how can I help?"

"Well, I thought you died and I guess I'm a bit confused here, you know Dr. Robbins yelled to me about your death which now that I think about I deserve an apology from her."

"If you don't mind me saying Dr.Smith, but I had no idea that I had faked my death it was the government's decision and secondly Dr.Robbins does in fact not owe you an apology as she was clearly grieving so if you don't need a consult or anything I suggest you get back to work and stop the gossiping."

"Um yes, goodbye Doctor Shepherd."

I swear some doctors can be idiots no change that people, in general, can be idiots just look at some of the cases we have had over the years, a man swallowing ten Judy dolls, swallowing keys really the list could go on, but that's why I love my job but also hate it sometimes the stupidity of the human race.


I continued with my day a few surgeries here and then but nothing too big to brag about, but really I'm thinking that I'm losing the spark to surgery I guess once you work the white house everything changes and this changed for the bad because surgery is my life besides Meredith and the kids, of course, they come first.

I had just finished my shift and was walking home when I was stopped by Owen, clearly out of breath from running to where we stood now.

"Ahhhh Derek, I see you have adjusted back to work well how about we go for a beer to celebrate?"

"Sure one beer shouldn't hurt, I'll let Mer know."

Okay so with what this chapter is going to lead to I think you may hate me but then like the outcome I'm not too sure but I hope you liked this chapter it was kind of an uneventful one but oh well it will connect to the following one, so it will make sense soon I hope (fingers crossed) don't forget to vote and comment :)

Have a great day!


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