Chapter 10

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Alex's POV:

Mer has been gone for 6 months and this is going to sound really bad but we have all gotten used to the idea that she just isn't coming home. As much as we would love for her to return it just doesn't seem like it will happen.

I miss her so much, I promised Cristina that I would look after her but it's clear that I have failed, the most annoying part about this is we know where  she is but not the exact part of Boston. Anything could have happened to her that we don't know about, and I hate the fact that we don't have the slightest clue if she is okay or not.


Meredith's POV:

I'm six months pregnant, and the bump has become more of a inconvenience than it was before I swear I wasn't this big when I was pregnant with Bailey and I'm not even full term yet!

I'm slowly getting used to fact that Derek has died but it still hurts knowing that him dying in my arms at 110 will no longer happen and that I will die by myself, okay I know how that sounds but I don't think I will ever love again because Derek was perfect for me he was my night in shining whatever.

Zola is still trying to wrap her head around the fact that her dad isn't her anymore and she spends most nights in bed with me asking questions which normally result in tears. And Bailey well Bailey is too young to understand what death is, so Zola and I just say that he is on a very location, I know that is really bad to lie to your children but I think this could be an expectation.


Derek's POV:

I'm so close to finishing the brain mapping, which makes me beyond happy it makes me ecstatic because I get to go home. I was interrupted by Sergeant Hanson walking into the lab.

"Dr. Shepherd, we have news from the President."

"Really? he wants to talk to me after the meltdown I did in front of him?"

"Apparently so, he said that he is very impressed of all the hard work you have been doing and said that he will let you explore Washington for the day but then straight back to work, but you will have me with you, to make sure you do get in contact with your family."

" um... that is a lot of information to process. But yes I would love to go out and see the state for the day."

"Well then hurry up and get changed."


Jackson's POV:

I was travelling to Washington with Callie for a surgery when we arrived we had discovered that it got pushed back so we had some hours to kill, so we thought we would go around and explore what Washington had to offer. As we were walking around the shopping mall we bumped into a secretary man and I looked up and I swear the man next to him looked exactly like Derek Shepperd, but that's not possible he died nearly 6 months ago.

Callie's POV:

I couldn't believe it, that man looked remarkably like Derek Shepperd but it couldn't be Derek died after getting hit by a Semi truck 6 months ago, I must be delusional.

Ahhhh. Jackson and Callie saw Derek, but thought they were delusional....... next chapter will be Derek's reaction and then a time jump to Easter (in April) and then Mer would be 8 months and do you have any ideas for middle names?

Once again thanks for all the love and suport!

Have a great day and if you haven't already I'm also writing a another merder book called leaving my love behind so check that out if you want to.


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