Chapter 9

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FYI: Don't need to play the song but if you wish to play it go ahead :).

Meredith's POV:

I'm so ready for this new year, I get to welcome my baby girl into the world and I won't be pregnant anymore because let me tell you being pregnant isn't as easy as they make it seem on tv shows.

Don't get me wrong I love the fact that I'm carrying a child and that I'm going to have another daughter but what I do not enjoy is the morning sickness, some certain cravings, (iykyk) that I just can't do anything about but luckily for me, I don't get them as much any more just swollen ankles and a sore back.
But as Donna would say just think that in four months you will get to see your baby girl. But I wish Derek was here with me, I miss him comforting me, kissing me, talking to me and I miss everything about him. But only four more months until baby Grey-Shepperd comes and heals a little bit of what is broken. 4 more months.

Derek's POV:

4 more months, 4 more months is what I keep telling myself. 4 more months until I'm free, 4 more months until I can kiss Mer again and maybe more (iykyk), 4 more months until I can see Bailey and Zola again, 4 more months until my life is back to normal.

I can't even begin to imagine how sad Meredith must be, the fact she is having to be a "single" mother all alone when in reality I am alive and well and soooo close to being able to see her again, I just wish I could tell her that I'm alive and she doesn't have to cry anymore. It's killing me that I know she will be crying and there is nothing I can do about it and that I can't support her at all.
4 more months.

*song lyrics*

(not a day goes by, sung by Lonestar)

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
After all this time you're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain, locked so deep inside
Baby, baby, oh baby
Not a day goes by.

*time jump to Valentines day* still Derek's pov

Today is February 14th, which seems to some people a normal day but for me it isn't it is the day I would have treated Mer to spa days or we would have a surgery date. But not this year, this year is different. Today is Valentines Day and I'm not with her for all I know she could be with another man doing certain things I should be doing. I miss her, I miss her lavender scent and he infectious laugh and her little nose wrinkle. I miss her

Meredith's POV:

" mama why are you crying?"

" oh Bailey I didn't see you there, it's just I miss your daddy and your baby sister is making me cry a lot but I miss your daddy the most."

"I miss daddy too, is he going to come back soon?"

That was when I just burst into tears these stupid pregnancies hormones are making me soooooo emotional and it doesn't help the fact the today is valentine's day and all I can think about is the past Valentines Days I spent with Derek.....

*begin of flashback*

d- There's a baby is the bed.

m- I know there is a baby in the bed,

d- there's no baby in the shower

m-there is no baby in the shower,

*end of flashback*

God- I-mi-mi-miss him so much.

Sorry this chapter is a short and sad one with them being apart and missing each other, it's also kind of a filler. Once again thank you so much for reading it and voting it means a lot!
Have a great day!

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