Chapter 12

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And that is all I remember before everything went black.

Derek's POV:

As soon as they told me I could leave I packed everything up and went to the closest airport, I can't believe my Meredith is in the hospital and I don't know her condition I can't lose her when I'm just about to get her back.


Alex's POV:

I had just finished my surgery when my phone began to ring, it said Massachusetts Hospital I was very confused so i picked up.

A- Hello, Dr. Karev speaking.

Nurse- Hello I'm calling because Meredith Grey has been admitted and you are her emergency contact is there any way you would able to get to Boston soon?

A- Yes, I can book a flight and be there soon thanks for calling me.

Crap! Mer is in hospital I need to leave right away!

"Webber! Bailey!"

"Karev what's wrong?"

"Meredith she is hospital I- I need- I need to go to Boston please tell the chief I will be back, but I don't know when."

"Well, what are you waiting for Karev! Go help Meredith!" Yelled Webber

"GO KAREV!" Shouted Bailey

I raced to the airport and brought the first ticket to Boston.


Derek's POV:

I finally landed in Boston, and as soon as I could I grabbed a taxi and headed to Massachusetts Hospital to see my life, expecting the worse but hoping for the best.

I had arrived at the hospital and went to the nurse for Meredith's room number but before I could my face was met with a fist more precise Alex's fist. Understandable they though I was dead for the past 8 months.

Alex's POV:
I arrived in Boston and went straight to the hospital. While I was filling out the paper work I saw a familiar face, Derek's face. He was alive and he hasn't been here for 8 months and now Mer is in trouble what kind of arse does that to his family!
My blood was boiling I can't just sit here and watch him act all worried about Mer so I walked up to him and punched him across the face. I have no regrets.


" yea hi Alex how have you been?"

" no you don't get to do that, you don't get to have died and then come back like nothing happened! Your "death" made Meredith move to Boston! We didn't even know where she was until Thanksgiving but she moved again. So Derek you can't come back here and be the worried husband when you are suppose to be dead! You have put Mer through hell, so you better have a damn good reason for why you faked your death!"

"I didn't have a choice, but what I do know is that I got hit by a semi truck and was at a hospital, I was in a coma and I could hear Meredith talking to me and then once I "died" the secretary's of the White House took me there and put me to work for 8 months it was suppose to be ten. Alex believe me that I was heartbroken that you all thought I died. I never meant to do this but I had no choice, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to."

That was a lot to process, Derek was held and forced to work against his will? It may have been easy for me to forgive him but Meredith is another problem and will be harder to convince.

" listen dude, I believe you and sorry about your face but Mer is here for a reason so we need to find out why."

" I can't lose Mer just when I got back, and don't worry about my face I deserved it.

Derek's POV:
Alex and I walked into her room and we were shocked to say the least.

Okay so I made Alex and Derek meet because why not 🤷‍♀️ I wonder what could have shocked them 👀
Also last nights episode was so good but sad abt Jackson and tom :(
Also leave any ideas etc in the comments.
Have a great day!

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