Chapter 26

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*okay so this chapter may be predictable but I ran out of ideas :( *

Meredith's POV:

Derek said he was going out for a drink with Owen..... that was 3 hours ago after the last time he didn't come home I can't help but worry that he is either cheating on me or dead on the side of the road so I'm waiting for it hit 5 o clock that is his deadline for him to text me before I freak out.

Derek's POV:

I woke up with unbearable pain in my head, it was worse than a headache then I noticed blood on my hands, I looked all over my body from where the bleeding was coming from and I couldn't find the source anywhere and then I checked my head, and sure enough, more blood had appeared in my hands but the problem is I don't remember what happened or how I got here all I know is that I need to find my way to Grey-Sloan before I pass out again.


Meredith's POV:

it's now been another hour, I have one more hour before I can panic and start calling people. One more hour.

My mind is thinking about all the possible outcomes or situations that could or did happen and I'm trying really hard not to show how worried I am around the kids, but how can I not be anxious about this I don't know where my husband is, he could be dying for all I know and I wouldn't know the same story like last year.

Derek's POV:

I don't really know where I am and I lost my phone so I can't call anyone, so I have started to walk and hopefully, someone will help me or I'll find Grey-Sloan eventually but I need to contact Mer she must be going out of her mind wondering where I am and if I'm okay and I have no way to let her know that I'm reasonably okay.

I'm not sure how long I've been walking for but I know it has been for a while, I've finally reached a recognizable place so I know I'm not too far away from the hospital which is good because I don't know how much longer I could walk for, I have pain spreading from my head down to my legs which I know means nothing good so I just need to get there and fast.


Meredith's POV:

It's 5 o clock, time to panic oh my god, where is my husband I need to ring Owen he saw Derek last and hopefully is still with him, oh god I hope Derek is still with Owen.

*ring ring*

"Hey, Mer what's up?

"Are you still with Derek by any chance?"

"Oh no, he left the bar after the one drink and I stayed longer I would have thought that he would be home by now, is everything alright?"

"Not really, he was supposed to be home hours ago and it's starting to get dark and he hasn't picked his phone up, and I'm really starting to panic because what if he is dead or- or"

"Mer, I will go back to Joe's and talk to joe then I will go to the hospital and see if he is there, and I will message you with updates okay? You stay where you are and look after the kids."

"Thank you Owen it means so a lot, please find him."

"Your welcome I'll keep you updated."

Derek's POV:

After walking for another half an hour and I've finally reached the hospital, only a few more steps and then I can rest, a few more steps and I can get help..... a few more steps.

I walked into the E.R and everyone looked at me with worried and concerned faces, I didn't think I looked that bad, did I?

"Derek! What's happened? Your bleeding, sit down we need to check you out."

"I don't remember-"

That's all I could manage to say before I passed out onto the floor and everything went black.

"Someone get me a gurney!"

I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you so much for 3k views on this story!!!! It means so much to me, so thank you! Don't forget to vote and comment and if you have any advice or ideas let me know! 

Have a great day!


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