Chapter 8

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Meredith's POV:

I haven't heard anything from Jackson about Thanksgiving but I'm guessing he told the others as Alex has gone back to loading my phone with messages and phone calls, I really should have changed my phone number.

It is Christmas Eve and the kids are so excited for Santa to come to visit us, I would be excited too but it just isn't the same without Derek he does these holidays thing so well and I grew up with no Christmas or holidays so its kind of like new territory for me.

*Christmas Morning*

"Mama wake up we have to open our presents! Santa came!" Both of them squealed with joy

As I waddled down the stairs, I could see how the kids faces just lit up it's like they forgot about everything that was happening around them.
Time passed and all the presents were opened, toys were being built and I was attempting to cook pancakes for Christmas breakfast to make it seem as normal as it would be if we were in Seattle.

Alex's POV:
It's Christmas and it has been 5 months since Mer has left, Jackson told me that he saw her in Boston and that she looked well but that wasn't enough information for me I need to see her in person for myself. I need her to tell me she is okay or if she is coming back not hearing it from Jackson. No offense dude.

Derek's POV:
Christmas is my favorite time of the year, people laugh together they sing together, they do everything together but this year is different this year I'm stuck in Washington and my family is in Seattle, doing the traditions without me. I know I brought this on myself because I didn't read the fine print but I can't help but feel devastated that I can't hug them I can't kiss Mer under the mistletoe.
I don't even get to have a Christmas dinner then rather work me to the bone than let me celebrate Christmas even if it is without my loved ones. What a Christmas this will be.

Alex's POV:
I thought I would call her I know she won't pick up but I might as well try, I miss her and it freaking Christmas she should be here with us celebrating, drinking just having fun instead we are sat around the tree all sad and gloomy of freaking Christmas. So I pressed the call button...

*ring ring*
Call accepted:
A- Mer you picked up! How are you? When are you coming home? We miss you.
M- Alex I don't when I will be home but I will come back, we are fine the kids are happy with their presents and I hope you have a great Christmas I love you Evilspawn.
Call ended

Well at least she picked up that's an improvement.


*Time jump to New Years*

Meredith's POV:


"Are you okay Mer?!?!"

"Yup I'm fine Donna it's just normally on New Years I would be downing tequila and getting very drunk but my stupid dead husband's penis had other plans."

" oh, Mer just think in four months you will holding your new baby girl, and all of these past months of pain and despair will pause and welcome joy and happiness."

"Woah Donna, you could be an inspirational speaker" I joked.

"Yea, yea but hey don't say I didn't try to cheer you up."

* In chorus*

5....4.....3......2......1....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I stood there as happy new year was being shouted across the room, I was by myself with no one to kiss no one to celebrate with, no significant other to go into 2016 with, I was alone. Sober and alone.

HEY! Thanks so much to everyone who has read either this whole thing or just a chapter no matter which one I really appreciate it and it is giving me the confidence to keep writing. As per usual any ideas etc leave in comments :)

Have a great day!


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