Chapter 23

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Meredith's POV:

Just like he promised he was asleep right next to me, meaning that this wasn't a dream it was now a reality he was alive and well and sleeping to the right of me. My family can now go back to normal with the new addition of baby Ellis.

"Mer..... are you awake?"

"Yea, I am. You're here next to me and you didn't die."

"I didn't die, I'm here and I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon, you and the kids are all I need right now not D.C and not the hospital, our family is all I need."

"Derek, you said that before you left for D.C what happens when the next big project comes along and it is suddenly the most important thing to you? Because if that happens I don't if I could cope with this all over again."

"If something comes up I will talk to you about it before I accept but I know that I want nothing more than being a good husband and father than being a good surgeon, although if I could do all three that would be awesome."

"Did anyone tell you that your ego is way too big, I think you need a reality check and look around you, your friends and family have been mourning your death, Derek, they aren't going to forgive as easily as I did and I'm very hormonal at that moment so I don't even know if what I sai can be trusted."

"Whatever it takes and however long it takes to make you and everyone forgive me for "dying" it will be worth it just to see everyone happy and smiling again."


Time jump to this afternoon:

Derek's POV:

Meredith has drifted off to sleep so I thought I would take this time and go explain everything to everyone and maybe on the way maybe see how little Ellis is doing.

I began to walk into the attending's lounge after being stopped multiple times for hugs and confused looks on why they just saw Derek Shepherd back from the dead which was quite amusing I must admit.

Owen- "Ahhhh, you've decided to join us, Derek, welcome back from the dead."

Callie- "It's so good to have you back Derek but you have to tell us what happened because we are all a bit lost here.

Maggie- "Congratulations on baby Ellis too Derek, she's a cutie. Do you know if Mer is up for visitors?

"Woah, okay so I think it will be good to tell the story then, meet me in the staircase in the reception in 10 and I'll explain everything then. And thanks she is a bit cute isn't she."

10 minutes later:

"Okay, good afternoon everyone you are probably all confused why I paged you here and why Derek Shepherd did as I was believed to have died. But I'm here to explain to you all what happened and give you all my deepest apologies for the fact that you have to mourn over me when I was in fact alive."

------After explaining--------

"So I hope that explains everything and cleared any confusion and once again my deepest apologies for putting you all through this, and I hope you will forgive but in the meantime, I have to go my family, so I hope you have a great rest of your day."



I turned around intrigued by what one of four sisters would have been calling my name and it was Amy with a massive smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks, she looked happy and somewhat relieved.

"What the hell were you thinking Derek! Dying like that you know how close I came to relapsing but I didn't because I knew you had faith in me, and oh mum and the sisters are soo going to kill you for faking your death."

"It's nice to see you again too Amy, I've missed you."

Chapter 23 is done! I hope you liked this chapter and thank you so much for the votes/reads/comments it means so much to me! Anyway don't forget to vote and if you have any ideas or advice let me know because it is always welcomed!

Have a great day!


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