Chapter 5

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*time jump a couple months*

Alex's POV:

Meredith left nearly three months ago, and we have no clue where she went and if she is even alive she doesn't pick up my calls. If this goes any longer I am going to call all and any family she has that could know where she is.

Everyone is worried about her, we never expected her to just get up and run from her problems she isn't like this....usually. I think I'm going to call her after all it is coming up to thanksgiving and we want her here with us to celebrate.

*phone ringing*

Alex: Oh God Mer-

Mer: Alex we are fine please stop calling.

*End of call*

Oh my god while at least we know she is alive and i guess doing okay, but i didn't get to ask if she is coming back for thanksgiving.

Mer POV:

*phone ringing*

Oh god Alex is calling....again i might as well pick up and tell him we are fine but that's it, I just need to have some time away or at least till the baby comes....

*answers phone*

Alex: Oh God Mer-

Mer: Alex we are fine please stop calling.

*End of call*

I am now three months pregnant and living in Boston is going better than I thought it would, Zola and Bailey love the sun and being able to go to the park but Boston isn't home to me or the kids, Seattle is our home...But I don't think I'm ready to go home yet. 

*meanwhile in D.C*

Derek's POV:

Only seven months until I can go home to Meredith, oh how i miss her, i miss everything about her the rambling , the lavender scent i miss everything.

Not only do I have to work her against my will i also have to work her with Renne god i hate her she kissed me while i was married and now i have to see her everyday. Everything is just going great for me right now isn't it.

*Knock knock*

"come in?"

"Ahhh Doctor Shepperd, it has come to my attention that your work in brain mapping is coming together well.. rather faster than we expected, so if you keep this up you might be able to leave earlier than we thought."

"Oh my god! Really? Thank you so much Sergeant you have no idea how much this means to me. I get to see my family?".

"Yes but remember Dr once you leave you have no right to sue us as this was a binding contract."

"um- okay yes sir"

*Sergeant leaves*

Okay so all I need to do now is keep working and then my dreams will come true.

Sorry shorter chapter than normal. Next chapter i will do thanksgiving and from mer, derek's and bailey etc pov and then afterwards maybe another time jump. But leave your feedback below and what i should improve on/ any ideas you have.

As always have a great day


Word count: 473

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