Chapter 16

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*just to let you know I made this picture on pic college 🙃🙂and yes I know it isn't the best with being in line and everything but I tried*

Derek's POV:

I can't believe this is happening to Mer if only I was awake sooner I could have helped her faster and she wouldn't be in surgery hanging on for her dear life if only I was quick enough to call the nurses. 

The only thing the is helping me from not having an absolute meltdown is Ellis and knowing she is healthy and thriving but then her mother on the other hand is not thriving as we would hope. I honestly can't lose Meredith she is the love of my life and all I can think about is if she dies and she would remember all the bad things I did to her.


"I heard Alex likes to sleep around too, you two have that in common"

"You're being selfish"

"You're just like your mother"

"There's no fixing you"

*End of flashback*

I can't believe it all these times when I was a right ass to her she had stayed with me, she stayed with me because she loved me despite me cheating on her, calling her a whore, calling her a bad mother. God, I don't deserve her and I can't lose her not when I haven't treated her how she should have been treated this whole time.


Meredith's POV:

Sitting here on the beach with George, Lexie, and Mark I couldn't help thinking how peaceful it is here and how stress-free it is and that I don't have any responsibilities I can sit here and be me and not worry for once I can be free.

Mark- "Mer, you do realize that you can't stay here as much as you would like to,  you have a choice to make as to whether you want to die or not. Unlike Lexie and George, you can go back to your loving family and succeeding job because you have a choice so you can't stay here."

"Mark, it's just so quiet here and for once I'm not crying over dead friends or husbands or getting into near-death experiences I'm free to just sit here and look out to the sunset and I don't know if I want to leave. And what do you mean did you get a choice and choose to die?"

Mark- "You do realize this is a near-death experience right?                                                                     When I was in my coma I saw Lexie sitting on a swing waiting for me and I knew that if I stayed I wouldn't make it out in the world without Lexie with me, so I chose death I chose to spend the rest of my afterlife with the love of my life even if we were both dead I chose her over my life. But you have to choose Derek and your family over death don't leave Derek by himself he won't survive he barely survived when you drowned, Mer think this through before you make any rash decisions."

"You chose Lexie over living?"

Mark- "I did and I don't regret it, but George over here he regrets jumping in front of the bus because he has had to watch everything since that day just like I have had to watch Sophia grow up and Callie and Arizona argue it isn't fun Mer, the afterlife has its ups but it certainly has its downsides."

"I will think about it but I don't know if I'm ready to leave."

Mark- "We get a set of days of decision making so make it snappy because if time runs out you will end up here and you didn't want to be here you will be stuck so don't make the wrong choice people need you Mer."

I'm trying to update all three books today hehe :)

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and please leave comments votes or just read it because it means so much to me :) Have a great day!!!1


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