Chapter 36

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Derek's POV:

It's now or never. I know we are married and this is just like renewing our vows but this time feels different so much has changed since we first got married, we now have three wonderful kids and have both nearly died on more than one occasion, I feel we need this.

"Derek? What is all this?"

The time is here, no turning back.

"Meredith, I am not going to down on one knee, but I am going to ask you a question. Meredith Grey, we have been through hell back on more than one occasion, and if I have learned anything from those many....many experiences is that I don't want to think about losing you again, I know we are already married but Meredith, I want to do the whole wedding on the beach with you. Will you do me the honor of marrying me again?"

Meredith looks me blankly in the eyes and my nerves start to go through the roof.


Meredith's POV:

I am shocked this wasn't how I expected the day to go but t be honest I'm glad it went this way, it shows that there is light in fact at the end of the tunnel. I feel guilty Derek is looking at me with worry and doubt in his eyes and I know I can't keep him waiting any longer. I'm not sure why I paused before my answer it is a no-brainer.

"Derek, of course, I'll marry you again. You're my McDreamy."

His face immediately lit up and then I can tell from the look in his eyes he had a plan.

"So I'm still your McDreamy?"

"Well, maybe not right now sometimes you can be a Mcass."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."


Derek's POV:

I didn't get her a ring, I know she already has a ring but surely I was supposed to buy her another? Right?

"Meredith, I didn't get you another ring for this engagement."

"Derek I have this ring I don't need another one when we are already married speaking of which I need to call- never mind."

Meredith's features went from excitement and joy to sadness and despair in a matter of seconds and then I realize that everyone she would have called... has died everyone that needed to know already does, she has no one to call.

"Derek, do you ever think there could have been something more we could have done for Mark, Lexie, and George?"

"Honestly Meredith, no we were out in the woods we had nothing to save them with I'm sorry. And with George, he was too far gone for us to even figure out where to start. But hey you can call Izzie, she would want to come."

"And have another Izzie Bridezilla?

"Oh yes, I remember but still call her, she is your friend despite everything that happened to you both. She is your friend and plus she would want to meet the kids."

"Okay, we should probably leave the elevator, no doubt people are waiting?"

"You know me too well."


The elevator doors soon open to balloons, flowers, and a banner reading CONGRATULATIONS on it in big letters, everyone was there waiting for us to know if she said yes once again. And she did, she agreed to be my forever once more.

"CONGRATULATIONS" everybody screamed

I can tell Meredith was stunned, she wasn't expecting any of this, first Cristina coming, then the proposal and now the banners, her eyes start to fill with joy once again and I know she is truly happy although things have been tough, I know she can't wait for our happy ever after once we both recover from the events of this year.


*1 week later*

Meredith's POV:

I ended up calling Izzie and she insisted on getting the first plane out here to help me with the preparations on the condition we plan it how Derek and I want to have everything and she unhappily agreed, and now she was sitting in my living room talking about colors and flowers like I care about that type of thing. I'm already married so really what's the big deal?

"Meredith, are you even listening, you are having a wedding because last time it was a post-it and then at a courthouse this time we are going to go big!"

"Izzie, it's not till months away till Ellis is old enough to walk, this can wait honestly."

"You have never planned a wedding. I'm sorry I didn't invite you to my wedding Mer, Tom just wanted his family and mine, although you are my family you know?"

"Izzie, it's okay. You're here now helping me with mine that's all that matters."

Derek's POV:
I can hear the girls laughing and talking about god knows what, so I think it's time for me to make an appearance.
Izzie- "Ahh there he is, we were just talking about you."
"It's nice to see you too Izzie, thanks for doing this with us."
Izzie- "It's the least I can do, Mer has always been there for me it's only fair I return the favor."
"Well, I'll be back in about an hour and a half I am going to pick Zola and Bailey up from school."
Meredith-" See you, honey, dinner should be ready by the time you get back."
Meredith is going to cook dinner that is going to be interesting.
" You're cooking dinner?"
Meredith- " I didn't say I was."
I start to walk out the door and I can hear the chatter start up once more once again on the topic of the wedding once more.
Izzie- " Oh Mer you have just got to look at these dresses."
Meredith-" Seriously Izzieeee."

Hi everyone this is the second to last chapter the next chapter is the wedding/ vow renewal and the epilogue but I hope you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment. And I am going to post the first chapter of my new story "Meant to be" soon so please check that out!
Have a great day
Cerys x

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