Chapter 18

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Previously on Learning to cope:

"I've made my mind up if I will stay here or not."

Lexie- "Good, now what would that decision be?"


I think- I think I need to go back to my family they already nearly lost one parent and I can't let them lose another one when Derek just came back.

Lexie- "All you need to do is wait for Derek to speak to you and walk towards him walk towards the beginning of the rest of your life and we don't want to see you until you are 110 and both you and Derek are together, got it?"

Alright, I get it you wanted me to leave and live my life because you all can't I get it.


Derek's POV:

Meredith has been asleep for a while and we all don't know why she hasn't woken up it was a fucking simple produce and she has been unconscious for hours on end and hasn't been responding to voices but she has brain activity, brain activity is good we need that spark of hope. I decided I should talk to her just in case there is a slim chance it would wake her up or activate a part of her brain.

"Hi Mer, it's me Derek I thought that I should talk to you again because it could help you wake up and well I need you to wake up I haven't been with you for 8 months and now the thought of you dying just when we got each other back pains me, so please Mer fight, fight for us and fight for yourself you have survived so much your story isn't over it, our story isn't over."

I began to cry I just can't bare the thought of Meredith dying I spent many wasted months with Addison and then with Rose when I knew she was the one I can't lose her again.


Meredith's POV:

George: Meredith, I know you have made your decision but I needed to talk to you before you leave because this may very well be the last time you see me. Meredith, you coming here has made me realize how much I have missed out on since I jumped in front of that bus, I mean you have kids the daughter of darkness has a family you have grown up and have become a bit bright and shiny and I have missed all of it and I have regretted it ever since so I'm glad you have chosen to leave the beach because you have so much more to do and lives to save.

"George, I know we weren't the best of friends but you were like a brother to me, and when you died my heart broke and it took a while for it to mend and every time I close my eyes and thought of you I see the condition you were in, George you were unrecognizable and we didn't do enough which led you to die, I regret not doing more to save you. George, I love you and always will"

George: Don't blame yourself Mer, I decided to jump in front of the bus and stop fighting, speaking of someone is here to take you home.

"Derek? Derek's back he is my ticket home?"

George: He is taking you home Mer, we will miss you.

Mark: Go home fellow Dirty Misstress

Lexie: We will miss you Meredith but we will keep an eye on you we promise.

"Bye everyone I'll miss you love you all."


Derek's POV:

I began to fall asleep on Mer's arm when I felt her hand move and I heard her choking on the tube, she's alive she woke up!

"Mer, hang tight I'll get some help.

Chapter 18 is done! She chose to live YAY and omg I kinda loved the whole Mark, George, Lexie part of the story not gonna lie. If you liked this chapter please vote and comment and if you have any ideas and suggestions don't be afraid to comment or pm cause I'm open to ideas. Hope you all have a great day!


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