Chapter 11

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Derek's POV:

Oh god, I just bumped into Callie and Jackson. 

What if they tell people they saw me? That would end with me being kept longer with technically making "contact" with people I know.

Before I even process what is happening I start hyperventilating which causes me to have shortness of breath, I've never had a panic attack before so this is all new territory for me. Normally I would be the one helping Mer with her panic attacks but the only person here to help me is Sergeant Hanson and he doesn't seem to be bothered.                                                                      The pain attack comes to an end and I can feel my cheeks getting all flushed and going red, this is so embarrassing.  


Jackson's POV:

Callie and I walked back to the hospital to perform the surgery, we both hadn't said anything about what we saw and I have a feeling it was going to stay that way if I don't say anything soon.

"Callie, do you think that was Derek?"

"Jackson. I really don't know I mean I guess it looked like him but with more facial hair, but there is no way for him to raise from the dead as much as I would love for that to happen."

"I know it's just it looked a lot like him and if it was Derek that gives us a chance to get Mer back home."

"Jackson we both need to come to terms that Derek died. Okay, are you finished with your part of the surgery?"

"Yea, give me about 30 mins and then we can go back to Seattle."

"And Jackson we can't mention this to anyone, it would just confuse everyone and play on their heartstrings."

"Oh, okay."

And just like that, we talked, and then it back to before like the conversation never happened.


*Fast forward two months*

Mer's POV:

I am now eight months pregnant and I'm so ready for this pregnancy to be over and done with I am not enjoying the swollen ankles and the sore back but it is soo worth it for the end result, Ellis Alexandra Grey-Shepperd.

Both Zola and Bailey are ecstatic to finally get to meet their baby sister and I think once Ellis is born I will move back to Seattle because as much as I love it here in Boston, I miss everyone and this is shocking but I even miss the rain.


My life was finally coming together again we have sadly gotten used to the feeling of Derek not being here with us, but we have survived and we will continue to survive in honor of Derek because that is what he would have wanted us to do, he would want us to move forward even if it pains us to do so.

Zola was playing with her barbie dolls and Bailey was having a nap, when I suddenly got a sharp pain in my abdomen, I didn't think too much of it as I thought it was just Braxton hicks. But boy was I so so wrong.


Derek's POV:

I'm counting down the days until I can see my family again, these 9 months have been torture everyone is under the impression that I died and that pains me that they have been suffering for no reason but of course they don't know that there was no reason to grieve as they just believe what the president would tell them.

"Dr, um we have received some intel that your wife has been driven to the hospital in Boston, So the president has agreed to end your contract early as it seems your family needs you right now. We have files and letters you can give to your workplace and your family explaining your disappearance."

"What do you mean my wife is in the hospital? And in Boston! we live in Seattle!"

I packed all my bags and rushed to the nearest airport to see my wife. God if only I was with her maybe this would have not happened.....

*moments before*

Meredith's POV:

The pain kept coming, I soon realized that I must be in labor before I could even process the information I collapsed to the ground from the pain soon realizing that I was bleeding.....

Zola rushed into the room where I was lying,

"mama are you okay? should I call 911?"

"Yes, zozo call 911."

And that is all I remember before everything went black.

Hey guys! just want to say thank you to @_Kje_  for the middle name so now it is like she is named after Lexie. Once again thank you for the love and support you have shown me it means the world,

Have a great day!


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