Chapter 20

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TW: Mentions of drugs and drug usage

Amelia's POV:

I am currently sitting on the floor in the bathroom with a bag of Oxy in one hand and my phone in the other, seconds ago I was going to use the oxy but one single message turned that all around, it was Alex saying that Derek was alive but Mer isn't doing so well and they are going to Seattle. If Alex hadn't messaged me it would have been a very different ending to this day.

"Cheif where do you need me?"

"Amelia, these people are your family you can not work on family."

"That's crap, this whole hospital is their family YOU'RE  basically Mer's dad so that's crap."

"Amelia, we are thinking of your wellbeing and their wellbeing so please don't cause a scene and ring inform your family about Derek, that's an order."


I stormed out of that exam room faster than I would if I were to be on a case, I rushed into a supply closet the oxy still in one pocket unaware of someone following me into the supply closrt.

"get yourself together Amelia, get yourself together."

I repeated these words to myself to get my mind off the fact I could easily be getting high right now.


"Owen? I'm- I'm just getting some supplies I will be out of your hair soon."

"Amelia, that's not why I'm here, I saw the packet. Amelia, are you using again?"

"NO! I can't believe you would think- okay I was going to before I got told Derek was alive but I haven't even opened it I want to open it, Owen, you have no idea how badly I want to use it, and how much pain this is causing me. I felt like I couldn't breathe without Derek with all the looks and I didn't even have Mer here to help me, she left the minute she could and now that he might be alive again I- I can finally breathe and stop the feeling like I was drowning."

"Okay, listen, Amelia, we have options here you hand me the drugs and I put them back we will be doing that either way but we can either go straight to a meeting and I'll come with you or we can wait for Meredith and Derek to come and then you can talk to them and then go to a meeting. What option sounds the best?"

I couldn't believe it, he was treating me like I was normal not like if he said the wrong thing I would break, no one has talked to me like that for months.

"I would like to see Derek first."

"Okay, we can do that."


Derek's POV:

Mer and I are on the helicopter on our way to GSMH and well Meredith is sleeping I am freaking out, I haven't seen anyone since I "died" and I can't help but feel guilty for putting everyone through such a horrible experience especially Mer, Amy and the rest of my family Ma is sure going to give me an ear about all of this.


"Yea Mer, what's up?"

"I've missed you, I couldn't live without you and I know I said I could but I can't please don't leave me again, please don't leave our family again."

"I promise, I love you."

I placed a kiss on her head and joined our hands together for the rest of the trip because I know she hated planes and I can't blame her the experience we have planes isn't the best with her sister and the closet thing I had to a brother died by a plane crash.

"We are now landing at Grey-Sloan Memorial welcome home Dr.Grey and Dr.Shepherd, you've been missed."

Kinda a short chapter, I'm so sorry for not updating I've been really busy studying for tests and doing assessments so once again sorry! But I'll try to post more when I can I hope everyone is having a great day and I hope you liked this chapter I kinda wanted to include Amelia in it and use some information from when Derek did die and when Mer got attacked and she went back to using but this time she didn't. Don't forget to vote/comment :) and if you have any ideas they are all welcome.

Have a great day!


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