Chapter 4

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Meredith's POV:
Urgh Alex won't stop calling me I guess he found the letter dammit now Callie is calling me, I just wanted a break from Seattle and it's like it is following me where ever I go.
I've unpacked all our bags into our new "home", Zola keeps asking me questions and I'm not 100 percent sure how to answer them so for the time being I am keeping them busy with telling them stories about Derek, while trying not to break down.
" yes zozo?"
" I- i miss dada when is he coming home?

My heart broke I guess this was when I tell her about the circle of life *sigh*

" zozo, daddy isn't coming back well because daddy got badly injured and the doctor couldn't fix him zozo"
" why can't you fix him you fix everyone go mama go fix him"

My heart broke even more she was crying my sweet innocent girl her world is changing so fast around her.

" zo I can't fix him well because nobody can fix him zozo daddy died."

That's when we broke down, Zola and I  sat on the floor surrounded by boxes crying till there weren't any tears left to fall.
God do I miss Derek he would have been hugging us and comforting us while we cried but he isn't here, is it just us four. He  didn't even know that we we're expecting.
Derek's POV:
God I hate here don't get me wrong I love learning about the brain but this is the whole reason that caused my family to think that I'm dead for fuck sake. I decided I would talk to the president today and ask for him to rethink his decision, I need to see my wife and kids oh god I miss Zola and Bailey and i miss my wife the most, they are the reason I'm fighting.
*couple hours later*
* knocks on door*

" Mr president?" I asked trying to sound confident but it came out shakier than i wanted.

"Ahhh Dr shepherd the man of the hour, what do i owe this pleasure?"

"Um I was wondering if I could go home, my whole family thinks I'm dead please can I just go home sir." Once again my voice was very shaky

"I'm sorry Derek but you signed a contract for a year and before you faked death you had only spent two months so you owe 10 more months of your time, but after those 10 you are free to go live your life make it up to your wife. Who I heard is now in Boston ."

" 10 months...... TEN MONTHS WHAT KIND OF SICK CRAP IS THIS. Do you force all of your doctors to go through this hell, or just me? Sir I have a family that think I died you can't just leave me here at least let me talk to them? Please"

" I'm sorry dr shepherd but if you make any contact with them before the 10 months, we will be forced to keep you here longer so please cooperate with us here."

I stormed out of the office I couldn't believe it i was beyond pissed off but there is nothing I can do but work until I can leave. Crap Meredith will hate me for faking my death but then again i had no choice.

Chapter 4 done. Usual stuff feedback and advice welcome :)
Have a great day
Word count: 570

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