Chapter 17

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Derek's POV:

It's been 4 hours since Mer had her surgery and she hasn't woken up yet and she should have been awake by now, I'm really starting to get worried that she may not wake up and that the last conversation we had was well I can't even remember the last thing I said to her.


Meredith's POV:

This place is so peaceful there is no drama or people dying it's just me and the beach and nothing in between, I know I can't and shouldn't leave my family but how you leave this quiet place I have all of my friends and family that passed with me and that's all I've ever wanted but I also always wanted Derek to come back and now he is waiting for me to wake up.

Here on the beach there are no crashing planes or buses or cancer or semi-trucks it's just the waves crashing into the sand and the peaceful smell of the saltwater and the sound of seagulls, I don't want to leave.


Alex's POV:

Derek had got ahold of me about Meredith's condition so I drove as soon as I could to the hospital probably going to end up with a few tickets but it's Mer for christ's sake I will do whatever it takes to make sure she is okay. I'm not 100% sure why Meredith hasn't woken up the surgery was a simple one to get rid of the infection in her abdomen so why has it taken her over 4 hours to wake up? Ever since Cristina left I was appointed as Mer's person and I can't help but feel like I failed her, all this time I knew that she was in Boston and I didn't even attempt to go over there, if I did maybe things would have been different maybe just maybe.


Derek's POV:

Hours continued to pass and there was no change maybe if I tried talking to her it would increase the chance that she would wake up.

"Hi Mer, it's me, Derek. Um so I'm sure if you can hear me or not but it's time to wake up now you have people waiting for you I'm waiting for you, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis are waiting for you we all are. Please wake up I love you, you know that right? I know I haven't been here for a while and I'm sorry but I love you please come back Mer."

I have no clue if she heard all of that or if she would even wake up but what I do know is that I need her and if she dies I die, now I know what Mer went through when I "died".


Meredith's POV:

I was watching the sunset when I saw a figure in the distance it was Derek's figure.

"Derek! What are you doing here?"

Lexie- "Mer, he can't see or hear you, he is here because in the real world he is talking to you. The closer you get the closer you are to waking up."

"But-but I want him with me but I want to stay here too, Lexie what do I do?"

Lexie- "Follow your heart but first listen to Derek."

Derek's ghost thing-"Hi Mer, it's me, Derek. Um so I'm sure if you can hear me or not but it's time to wake up now you have people waiting for you I'm waiting for you, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis are waiting for you we all are. Please wake up I love you, you know that? I know I haven't been here for a while and I'm sorry but I love you please come back Mer."

"I've made my mind up if I will stay here or not."

Lexie- "Good, now what would that decision be?"

Hope you all liked this chapter :), I just remembered that season 17 finished which means new greys for agessss sad time :(. Don't forget to vote/comment and even maybe read my other books out ;)

Hope you all have a fab day!


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