Chapter 6

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Alex's POV:

Meredith still isn't back it has been a month since she she picked up the phone but went straight back to ignoring us, it's been 4 months and if she doesn't come back soon i will search all over the country for her if that is what it takes.

Today is thanksgiving so we thought we would all come to together at my place and have thanksgiving dinner with Maggie and April cooking of course,                                                                  god knows the rest of us can't cook.


Bailey's POV:

I truly thought  Meredith would be back by now we haven't  heard anything besides the note and the phone call. I even called Thatcher asking if he knew where she could be but he didn't care which really didn't surprise us, based off the stories Meredith told us about him, he isn't father of the year type father.

We are all worried for her safety and the kids but we know she wouldn't put them in any sort of danger. Amelia went back to drinking for a while so she is currently in rehab and the rest of us well the the rest of us are working, working until we can't or until we get stopped.

Richard's POV:

Meredith is like a daughter to me and i can't stop thinking the worse what if she doesn't ever what to come back but she doesn't tell us that instead we keep thinking she is dead in a ditch.

No body's POV:

Everyone gathered at Alex's for dinner, but there was a visible elephant  in the room or more like a conversation that nobody wanted to talk about. Dinner was being served and everyone held hands and started to say grace, they went around saying what they were thankful for it got up to Callie and she just burst into tears.

Callie's POV:

It got to my turn and i just couldn't keep my self together i just started crying. Once i pulled myself together i began to speak.

"i'm thankful for my beautiful daughter Sophia and my amazing friends and family, but i also would like to pray that Meredith feels comfortable to come home soon because we all miss her, amen"

God i wish Meredith would come back we weren't all that close but while Derek was away we would go to the bar together and we began to become better friends and then she just left. Sophia keeps asking me when is Zola coming back and i don't know what to tell her because in reality we don't know if she ever will.


Meredith's POV:

Today is thanksgiving, the first one without Derek i don't have much planned as i can't cook so i asked my friend Donna if we could go over to her house for thanksgiving and she agreed so that is where we are heading.

"Zola are you ready?"

"Yes mama!"

"Can you bring Bailey down with you and then we will leave."


Once i fixed Zola's hair and cleaned Bailey up we were on our way to Donna's. We had arrived  and Donna welcome us in and started doing introductions while getting introduced i  saw someone i didn't expect to see there.

Chapter 6 finished! ( sorry for the constant updates i'm just really into writing at the moment. And sorry if i did thanksgiving wrong we don't have thanksgiving where i live so i was just winging it. As usual leave advice etc

Have a great day :)

-Cerys xx

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