Chapter 27

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"Someone get me a gurney!"

Meredith's POV:

I am currently making Zola, Bailey, and Ellis some dinner before I start to call Owen again, he said he will update me with any news on Derek but he hasn't yet which means he must still be looking for him or something terrible has happened to him.

"Come on Zola, please just one more bite for me, and then I'll let you watch Frozen, Okay?"

"But I want daddy, he watches Frozen with me."

"Daddy, is running late okay but when he gets home he will watch all the frozen you want okay?"

"Okay, when is he getting home?"

"I don't Zozo, I don't know."


Owen's POV:

I searched Joe's bar,  the baseball cages, the ferry boat dock, and nothing he wasn't anywhere I could think of and now I'm starting to get worried I was supposed to text Mer with any updates but it's been over two hours and I haven't found anything or anyone that knew where he went.

I began to drive down to the hospital when I got a call from Meredith,


"Hi, Owen you were supposed to call me every hour and you haven't you know how worried I've been!"

"I know, I know but I'm making my way to the hospital in case he got paged so don't-"

I was shocked standing right in front of me were all my friends working on a patient, not just any patient it was Derek, he was covered in blood and bruises and lying unconscious while they worked. I was with Derek hours beforehand and he was fine, he was fine what happened.

"Owen! Owen!  What's happened? Is everything alright? OWEN!"

I come back to reality and realize that Meredith is still on the line and will be going out of her mind.

"Mer, you need to come to the hospital and if you bring the kids I'll take them to daycare."

"Owen, what's happened you're scaring me."

"Mer just come okay?"

"Okay, I'm on my way."


Meredith's POV:

I couldn't help it, I'm starting to freak out like this is deja vu and I only pray that Derek is okay and not going to die again, I don't know what I would do if he dies I just can't live without him.

I walked to Zola's room and I hated how I had to wake the kids up but if this involves Derek they need the chance to say goodbye this time if it comes down to it.

"Zola, wake up sweetie we have to go to the hospital."

"mmm okie."

"Go get your favorite toy and I'll get Bailey and Ellis to meet me downstairs in 10 minutes okay?"

"Okay, mama."



"Yes, Bailey?"

"Why are we going to opital?"

"Because mummy has work she needs to do and you can't be by yourself at home."


It was killing me lying to them but it was the only thing I could do considering I don't even know what is happening besides Owen telling me to get down there.


"Okay everyone stay close with mama, it's dark and we don't want anyone to get lost."


"Owen! What's happened? Is Derek okay?"

I have all these questions and worries running through my head that I can't even comprehend what Owen is even saying all I see is his mouth moving up and down but nothing coming out.

"Meredith, we don't know what has exactly happened to him as he is unconscious and now is surgery but please worry more than you have to, I will take these little ones to daycare. Hey, guys want to go to daycare with Uncle Owen? Mer I'll be down there as soon as I can but Alex is looking for you so page him."

As I watch Owen walk away with my kids all I can feel is numbness, I can't move it is like I'm stuck standing here. I don't even notice it beginning to rain I'm just stuck here maybe without my husband for good this time. I've been standing outside for so long I don't know if it is rain or tears that are rolling down my cheeks.


Alex's POV:

We are all watching Meredith stand outside in the rain waiting for when we should bring her inside but no one wants to be the one to tell her the news. So I make my way outside to tell her what no one else has the guts to.

"Mer, you need to come inside you're freezing we need you to get warm and put together to see Derek when he wakes up okay?"

"What happened to him? How did he the surgery go?"

"Mer, he came in pretty messed up let's go inside and we will tell you everything okay?"


Although she was hiding it I knew she was quietly sobbing but who could blame her she nearly lost her husband, that bastard can't give her a break.

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for not updating in like forever! It's been very busy and hectic but I should be able to update more now and I'm looking forward to that. I hope you liked this chapter I will write the next one soon, thank you for voting for this story and if you liked this chapter please vote and comment it means so much to me! If you have any ideas, comments, feedback let me know :)

Have a great day :) 


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