Chapter 28

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Meredith's POV:

I feel numb.

This can't be happening, not again.

I can't handle this again, I can't handle losing Derek again and knowing that this time it will be for real, I just can't.

"Mer drink this, he's going to be in there for a little while longer."

I hear what Alex is saying but I can't process it, I can't respond all I can do is stare at the door and wait till someone, anyone comes through doors telling me that he isn't dead that he didn't leave our family. I wait.

Bailey's POV:

It was a normal day at work today we had the scheduled surgeries, a couple of trauma cases everything was fine, and then Derek came into the E.R covered in blood and bruises we were all shocked to see him in such a state, it wasn't long before he collapsed and reality snuck in. Derek Shepherd our friend, our colleague was hurt and it is was our job to save him.

We are in the O.R now and it looks pretty bad, he has a broken leg, broken ribs, most likely concussion, cuts bruises, and some internal bleeding for we suspect getting thrown around and punched so many times. But it doesn't answer our many questions about what the hell happened to Derek for him to get so many serious injuries.


Hours begin to pass as we all try to repair as much as we can, Derek crashed once which was unexpected but we got him back. He is now stable enough to close and go to the ICU, now one of us needs to tell Meredith and get the police down at some point for a statement from Derek.

Meredith's POV:

It's been hours since I got to the hospital, I can tell people are getting concerned about me they all just keep watching me and offering support, or sitting down next to me to get me to talk. But I just ignore them because the only person I want and need to talk to is Derek and I can't do that until Bailey and the team come through those doors.

I see them.

I see the doctors, my friends who are about to tell me if I will stay a happily married wife or if I will become a widow once more. My fate, my family's fate lies in their hands and I don't know if I can handle what they will say.


"Dr.Bailey, please tell me he isn't dead please tell me I'm not a widow again please."

"He- he came in barley conscious and covered in blood, cuts, and bruises we can only assume that this was an attack. Meredith, we believe Derek suffered an attack he has broken bones, which include a broken leg, arm, and some ribs along with this he has a concussion and had some internal bleeding and crashed once during surgery."

Okay, okay Mer it sounds like he is going to be okay, but why did Bailey stop? And then Callie spoke up continuing what it seems Bailey can't.

"He is in the ICU stable but we are keeping an eye on him in case he crashes again but we are confident that with some time in the hospital that he will make a full recovery, Mer this means you didn't lose him again you get that right?"

Oh my god.

He's alive.

Derek didn't die.

I can't believe it I truly thought that this was when I would lose him and I didn't he fought he lived, I can't believe this. I begin to cry out of relief and then arms of people begin to welcome me into a hug they must all be so relieved.


Derek's POV:

I can feel my eyes becoming lighter and I can see lights shining in my eyes and it burns. Then I feel a throbbing pain in my head (probably a concussion) pain seeping through my arm and leg and then everything becomes clear, I see the cast and bandages and then I see Amy pointing the light into my eyes.

"Amy, you can stop shining that I can see unless you planned to blind me."

"Derek you are an ASS!"

"And why is that?"

Really I know the answer, it's because I could have died again and caused everyone to freak out but I'm fine seriously.

"You made Meredith worry herself out of her mind, she stood in the rain crying for a good hour and then started at the doors for a further 3 hours waiting to find out if you were dead or not. So in conclusion you're an ass."

"where- where is Meredith? Is she okay?"

"She left a little while ago to take the kids home and told me to page her when you wake up and since you have awakened from your slumber I have to go page you jackass."

"Words hurt Amy, words hurt."

"You deserve it for nearly dying AGAIN."

I guess I do deserve I did nearly die for the second time the only difference this time is someone is going to prison for this if only I could remember what happened before I got here.

Hi everyone! I hope you liked this chapter and dw Derek didn't die I couldn't do that to you all and myself, thank you for reading and voting and commenting on this chapter it means a lot to me :)

If you liked this chapter don't forget to vote or comment and please if you have any ideas let me know because I'm kinda stuck on what to write after this part ngl.

Have a great day :)


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