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 *a year later*

Meredith's POV:

Today was the day that you could say I was getting "married" but the truth is this is the day that Derek and I can start fresh with a new perspective, a chance to find ourselves again, to be us again. So I guess you can say this is one of the most important days of my life.

Izzie has returned into full-blown bridesmaidzilla if that is even a thing, she has been making sure all flowers match the table cloths whatever that means. In all honestly, I am grateful for her help but she honestly needed to take a chill pill, but here I am today, standing in my wedding dress waiting for the moment I walk down the aisle.


My nerves are slowly starting to rise which doesn't really make sense because I am legally already married, so I really shouldn't be feeling this nervous but here we are anyway.

Cristina- "Meredith? Are you ready to come out and show us your wedding dress?"

"Yea give me one second."

*Author: I tried to get a similar dress to the one from season 17 to hope you like it :)*

*Author: I tried to get a similar dress to the one from season 17 to hope you like it :)*

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Izzie & Cristina- "Oh myGod! Meredith, you look stunning, absolutely stunning!"

"Thanks, guys, have either of you seen Maggie and Amelia? She was supposed to be here a while ago to get ready."

Izzie- "Sorry, I haven't but I can get someone to ring her if you like."

"Yes please, I need this day to go to plan, I have had too many bad outcomes this past year and a half."


Derek's POV:

So this may consist and come under as my fourth wedding, but in all honestly, this is my forever, Meredith is and always will be my forever, and renewing our vows is not proving but reminding her that she has always been it for me. I just wish Mark and my dad could have been here to see it all. To see me become a father to three wonderful children.

Bailey- "Dad! Zola isn't letting me go see mummy."

"Bailey, mama is getting ready but I promise you will see her soon."



I decided to pick Owen, and Alex to be my groomsmen I didn't pick the best man because that spot will always be filled by Mark, and I don't want to have a wedding with someone replacing him.

It's getting closer and closer to when I am supposed to be up at the altar, and my nerves are starting to rise.


No one's POV:

Derek stood at the top of the alter patiently waiting for Meredith to walk down the aisle, all of their friends and family were here to witness what they couldn't all those years ago. Soon the music started to play signally that everything was about to start.

Cristina being the maid of honor walked down the aisle first, then followed by Izzie, Amelia following behind after her, and Maggie finally arriving with minutes to spare, and lastly, Maggie walked down the aisle which meant Meredith was next.

The music changed to the classical wedding song and the doors reopened and showed Meredith her arm in link with Richard's. Meredith made her way down the aisle so elegantly looking as beautiful as usual but today she had a certain glow to her that just made her perfect.

Derek watched her as she walked down the aisle admiring how beautiful his wife looked, and just wanting to go up to her and kiss her, but their whole family was here so that would have to wait till they were by themselves.


The priest said the usual wedding ceremony speech but Derek and Meredith were too lost in each other to hear what he was saying until he said it was time for the vows.

Derek- "Meredith, ever since I meet you at the bar I knew you were the one for me, sorry Addison. But Meredith being with you has been the best years of my life we have created a family together, you were so scared that you will turn out like your own mother but Meredith you are so far from that. What I'm saying is I pick you, I choose you, I love you, Meredith Grey. And it will always be you."

Once Derek had finished his vows Meredith began hers with tears in her eyes from how heartwarming Derek's was.

Meredith- "Okay, here we go, Derek, you know I have never been good with words and feelings but you have shown me how it feels to be valued and loved and I am forever grateful. You have shown what it's like to someone's soulmate, I used to not believe in such a thing but I know now that you truly are my soulmate. Derek, you are my McDreamy and you always will be, I'll remind you every day till we die at 110 how much I love you, Derek Shepherd."

By the time Meredith had finished her own vows, everyone had tears in their eyes, and now it was for the moment Derek had been waiting for.

Priest- "On that note, Derek Christopher Shepherd do you take Meredith Elizabeth Grey to be your wife?"

Derek- "I do."

Priest- "And Meredith Elizabeth Grey, do you take Derek Christopher Shepherd to be your husband?"

Meredith- "I do."

Priest- "I now pronounce you man and wife, you can now kiss the bride."

Everyone cheered, everyone clapped but none of the sound registered with Meredith and Derek, they were ready for the rest of their life, their new beginning.

The end

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed this story and the wedding chapter, I am going to publish my new story tomorrow so watch out for that it is a slexie story taking place during and after the plane crash.

Thank you for all the love and support for this story it means so much to me :)

Have a great day!


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