Chapter 3

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Alex's POV:

"We are fine we are going away for awhile i need to be able to breathe and i can't with the reminders the ferry boats, the scotch it is all too much. But we are fine i don't know when we will be back but don't worry about us.                                                                                                                                   -Love Mer

Dammit Meredith why did she leave I could have helped her there must be more to the story she is letting on, I have to call Richard and the rest of the gang so we can think of a plan.

*alex texts the group chat*

Alex: hey guys I need you all to come to Mer's house it is important come at 10am.

Everyone: omg okay we will be there is everything okay with mer?

Alex: I'll explain at 10.

*end of conversation

10'clock couldn't have came slower I was stressing the whole time calling mer over and over again but getting her voice mail. I got interrupted by my thoughts when the sound of the door bell ringing, I went to go to greet them.

Bailey's POV:
I'm really worried that Meredith is in danger she hasn't been her self lately if I'm being honest with myself she is like my daughter, she is my intern and one of the last of them that's left,  I just- I can't lose her.

Richard's POV:
Alex asked us to go the Meredith's house i thought that was a bit odd considering it wasn't Meredith herself inviting us. I hope everything is okay.

Alex's POV:
Now that everyone is here, as you know Derek died and we are still grieving but today when- *sigh* today when I went to check in on Meredith the house well it is like how it is now a mess, I found this note and well I think she has left and I don't where she is. You have to help me please. I was trying extremely hard not to cry, Mer is my person I can't lose her, she makes me a better me.

Maggie POV:
Oh god- she left god why was I so oblivious she was clearly not mentally fit at the moment god I'm a crap sister.

Bailey POV:
"Okay so, we know that her and the kids are safe so all we can do now is alert the rest of the shepherd family, try to get in to contact with her and wait it out. We all know that Meredith is strong and won't put her kids in danger lets give her space everyone agree?"

In unison;
Yea we can- we can do that

Everyone was trying to hold back their tears they just lost a beloved friend and now another one has fallen off the face of the earth with no warning. They are still yet to find out about the new shepherd member.....

Chapter three finished I thought I would do some of their reactions the next chapter will be Derek and mer (separately) etc. hope you like it and as also leave feedback.
Have a great day!
Word count: 515 words

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