Chapter 7

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Meredith's POV:

Crap. Jackson is here but more importantly why is he here? I did my very best to avoid him for the whole night if he walked into a room I left it but when it got to the Thanksgiving dinner there was nowhere left to go, he was bound to spot me. At the table I sat Bailey and Zola next to me at the end, there were at least 30 of us so a good chance he wouldn't sit near me but I was so wrong he sat right next to Zola.  But I had a plan if he turned to talk to people my way I would turn my head and talk to people besides him, and that plan was working up until we locked eyes.

Jackson's POV:

Meredith Grey was alive and well and sitting right in front of me, I heard from Richard that she left with only a letter and hasn't been in contact, Richard also said that no one knew where she was and now she is sitting right in front of me.


" um hi Jackson how have you been?"

"I've been good but I have heard that you just packed up and left."

"Um yea well I can explain, well it was all in the note I left behind. Did you not read it?"

" No I've been here in Boston, and how do you know Donna might I ask?"

" um I would love to stay and chat but it is past Zola's and Bailey's bed time."

As she stood up you could see a tiny baby bump, or was she just bloated i didn't want to seem rude and ask.

" Thanks Donna I'll see you at work tomorrow" and just like that Meredith was here and then she was gone.

Meredith's POV:

That was the most stressful conversation I  had to have while being away all I want to do now is sleep. But my mind couldn't turn off, how did Jackson know Donna? Why was he in Boston? Did he see my bump? Is he going to tell everyone he found me? After hours of thinking I finally fell asleep.


Derek's POV:

Thanksgiving is today, and I'm not with my family which is heart-breaking i want to be with them but I have to work for 6 more months which takes me to May i would  have missed everyone's birthdays. Argh i just want to go home.

"Doctor Shepherd."

" yes"

" For thanksgiving we thought we would give you an update on when you can go home,"

" Really sergeant?"

"Yes we are very thankful for your work so we have shortened your stay by 1 month which will take you to April"

"THANK YOU!  You have no idea how much this means to me and if you would, I'm sorry for swearing at you on my first day you did save my life i guess"

"Your welcome Dr. Make sure you are at dinner at 5."

And with that Sergeant Hanson had just turned my Thanksgiving day from gloomy to having something to be thankful for. I truly hope Meredith and the kids aren't alone for thanksgiving or that Mer hasn't burnt the house down, so I  actually have a place to live when I get back.

Chapter 7 done! As usual leave advice etc and don't forget to vote.
Have a great day

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