Chapter 13

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Meredith's POV:

I woke up really groggy, I must have had an emergency c-section as I don't remember much before or after I lost consciousness.

It hurt like hell to move because of my incision so I couldn't even pick Ellis up, which pained me even more as I was desperate to hold the last piece of Derek I have.


The nurses helped me a lot with Ellis they gave her to me to feed and burp, and soon after we had both drifted into a deep slumber.

Derek's POV:

Alex and I stood there shocked at what we have discovered, Mer was asleep with a newborn lying in a cot next to her. She was pregnant? I tip-toed into her room and began to read her chart:

Name:  Meredith Elizabeth Grey

D.O.B:  11th July 1978

Hospitalized for: Placenta rupture.

The course of treatment: In hospital for a week until the incision is healed. 

I then moved onto the newborn's chart.

Name: Ellis Alexandra Grey Shepherd 

D.O.B:  5th November 2015

Doctor notes:

-  staying in NICU for a week or two


I couldn't believe it I have another daughter, I miss the whole pregnancy and the birth because of a stupid contract. God! Mer will never forgive me.

Alex's POV:

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, Mer had a baby all by herself no one was there for her, to support her. She must have felt so alone without anyone with her.


Ellis began to stir up and began to cry and so Derek walked over and soothed her.

Derek's POV:

As I was holding Ellis my breath was taken away she was gorgeous, she had Meredith's eyes and hair she was exactly like her mother stunning in every way shape, and form. I just can't believe it I have another child another daughter and I could have missed all of this.

Mer began to wake up and felt myself begin to panic she thinks I'm dead how I am going to get myself out of this one?


Mer's POV:

I woke up to the sound of people talking it sounded like Alex and.....Derek. But Derek is dead he can't be here I must be hallucinating, as I  began to open my eyes there he was sitting in front of me holding Ellis, now I am sure that I'm ill.

Alex- "Mer! You're awake, how are you feeling? Why didn't you tell us you were expecting?"

Mer- "Am I going crazy or is Derek actually sitting in front of me?"

Derek- "Yes Mer, it's me Derek I'm alive and home, I know you will have many questions so let me explain."

Alex- "I'll be outside, Mer don't hate him he didn't have a choice."

 I am really confused Derek died, the police came to my house I went to the hospital I even held a funeral for him, and now 8 months later he is here sitting in front of me cradling our baby girl.


Derek's POV:

Sitting here at this moment my heart breaks for Meredith, she just went through trauma and then wakes up to find out her husband is in fact alive and well physically at least.

"Listen Mer, I know you will have many questions so before you talk I'm going to tell you the whole story,"

This is it, this is when Mer will either welcome me back with open arms or push me further away.


I got hit by a semi-truck I was admitted to the hospital and put into a medically induced coma, but I could still hear what everyone was saying I heard you crying and it pained me to hear you cry and know that there was nothing I could do. Anyway, while you were talking to my doctors I presume the white house had bribed the hospital to fake my death, as I had failed to keep my end of the contract to the white house. So once this happened I was taken to the white house to heal before I was put to work for 8 months, Mer, I am so sorry that you got told that I died and that you felt you had to move if I could have done anything to stop what happened I would have. Each day and each celebration that passed  I never stopped thinking of you,  I missed your scent, your smile your everything. But now I am here alive and well and if you will I'm back to be your husband."

Her facial expressions didn't even change so I have no clue what she is thinking. But all that I know is that the sparkle had returned in her eyes.

Longer chapter than usual. I hope you like this chapter :) Also sorry if I don't update within the next for days I'm going on a trip but I will try my best. Also, I'm SO excited because my birthday is soooo close eek. Anyway, leave feedback etc in the comments. Have a great day :)


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