Chapter 15

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At first I ignored the pain because I wasn't thinking like a doctor I was thinking like a normal person who thought it was just soreness from the operation, not even considering the fact it was a complication from what seemed to be a normal procedure.
Minutes passed which soon turned to hours and the pain became unbearable but I didn't want to wake Derek or Ellis up so I silently cried in pain.

Derek's POV:

I was asleep when I started to hear some sniffling and someone hyperventilating it took me a moment for me to bring myself back into reality and to remember that I was in a hospital and Mer just had surgery. I jumped awake realising that Meredith is the one hyperventilating.

" god Mer, what's sore? Let me look at your incision."

I could tell just by looking at the incision that it had gotten infected and is spreading rapidly.

" how long have you been in pain for Mer?"

"*sniffle* u-um maybe an-n aa ho-ur it hurrts Derek."

My heart broke for my wife she couldn't even get through a sentence without being in pain.

" I'm paging the nurses in here to get you back into the O.R and fix whatever mess they made."


Then she started to crash, I was shocked I wasn't even thinking straight, everything and everyone froze around me it wasn't until the nurses came in with a crash cart and were kicking Ellis and I out of the room that I was brought back to reality, that my wife is dying and I just got her back from myself "dying".

Meredith's POV:
I remember what happened before I crashed and I remember the dream I had while I crashed. I remember talking to Derek before and now standing in front of  Lexie, Mark and George all the people I love the most who died were standing right front of me.

"What are you all doing here?"

Mark- " the more important question is what are you doing here fellow dirty mistress, you just had a mini you and now your crashing? Not cool mer."

" it's not like I intend to crash I didn't ask for my surgery to have a complication."

Lexie- " Mer you can't give up on your kids or Derek, Derek just got back and he can't lose you again and it isn't your time to join us yet. You have much more life to live."

" but I can't fight, I don't have enough strength to fight. I'm tried of fighting, fighting from drowning and from bombs I'm tried."

George- " we know you are tried of fighting but we have plans for you to succeed in surgery the ways we couldn't and to have a family because we couldn't. If you don't want to fight for yourself then fight for you kids fight for us who are gone and fight for Derek."

"But it's so peaceful here I don't know if I want to leave yet."

Shorter chapter than usual but I hoped you liked it anyway 🙃 and omg it is 10 days till my birthday 😁😁. Anyway leave comments likes etc and we are soooooo close to 1k reads ekkk
Have a great day!

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