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Are you jealous?

A few minutes later, Luna arrived at the place where Barry lived. Trailers and small houses were placed randomly around the area. She hated the place, it was dirty and reminded her of bad people.

Three years ago right before she went to university she was a lot with Barry.
Her mum ignored her, which was unusual because Luna and her mum always had a really close relationship. It is still like that, even when she got to NYC. It was then a bit better but since Luna is back here it got worse again.
Luna was convinced it was her mum's new husband fault. He was some musty rich ass dude who thought he and his family are better than any one else. If the relationship to her mum would have never been that good it would not have affected Luna like that but her mum was like her best friend.
Luna fell in a hole and thought everything was her fault and was overthinking the whole situation.
She used the drúgs as an escape and it made the time better, but she really can't remember and that says a lot about that time.
But since then she only came two times to Barry after her dad hit her. But she didn't take these drúgs anymore, also because Barry wasn't selling it.

She felt bad but where should she go? Her only best friend was on the main land and JJ, she didn't wanted to show JJ what his dad did to her, at least not right after, mostly a day after that she goes back to him.
Barry's aunt, Maria, took care of her and they spent some time talking what really helped her getting out her hole. It felt good to talk about her issues with someone who doesn't judge.
Maybe she needed a therapist. She thought about that many times but it was too expensive.

When she arrived at Barry's house she saw a dirtbike and other bikes outside but ignored it, she didn't care if people knew she was there. But not everyone needed to see her bruises on fist sight and she lowered her head when she walked through the door.

Rap music surrounded her. She kept walking and asked some dude where Barry was and he pointed to the back of the room. All the people in his house getting high or buying from him made her angry. She did cóke herself on parties when it was there and knew that it felt good but just for a moment.

Luna went to the back, her face burned and tickled, it was bad but she tried to ignore it. She heard Barry laugh and went to the direction where his laugh came from.
He walked out of a door and closed it. When she saw him she walked straight up to him.

"You- why would you do that, Barry!" Luna pointed at him and then started not saying a logical sentence, she had no idea what to say, it was not his fault.
But when she got to him she pushed him and he tumbled a bit but then grabbed her shoulders to hold her still.
"Yo what's wrong with you, what do you want?" He said confused, afraid it was some addicted bítch.

When he realised that it was Luna he said "Oh fuck, what happened?" Seeing the look on Barry's face was the moment she broke down and started crying.

"Yo relax Luna, it's alright." He whispered to her. He studied her face and his mouth dropped.
"Holy shit was that your dad? Because he couldn't get any K???" He asked. Luna could just nod and started crying heavier. He hugged her and rubbed her back to comfort her.
They knew each other since they were kids. Their parents were friend and since the death of his mum he had to take over the drug business. Luke thought because of the relationship with Barry's parents he would get an extra discount. But he didn't because he can't pay. Barry and Luna were friends but JJ didn't like that especially since Barry dealt with drugs they slowly lost contact.
"Calm down, it's okay, I'm going to get you a wet cloth." He said. "Just go in this room there is my friend 'Country Club' he will take care of you." He added and pointed to the room he just got out. Luna mumbled agreeing and Barry shouted a Maria's name to get cloths.

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