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In the woods

A ping made Luna turn around on the hammock she had been reading for hours. She put her book down, to reach for her phone.

Maybe JJ texted because they were in trouble.

Today was a boring day, she was unmotivated and the Pogues were somewhere. She didn't really care about their "mission" Kie told her about at work once.

Luna looked at her phone it was 8 pm. She was surprised, Rafe texted her. He asked to hang out. She was confused. Why did he texted her now, after he ignored her so long? And asking to hang out. But she was bored and thought why not... it couldn't go that wrong.

Luna just wanted to do something, she needed to.
She grabbed her stuff and went inside to get ready.

But she knew that she wouldn't act like he wasn't ignoring her for days, he needed to apologise first and then she would go to him. She was pissed but wanted to see what he was going to say.


The sound of honking that signalised Rafe's arrival.
Luna rolled her eyes and stayed inside waiting for him.

A car door got slammed shut and foot steps came closer to the back door.

"Hello?? Are you coming or what?!" Rafe said when he opened the door.

Luna sat on the couch with her hands on the rest and crossed legs, looking him straight in the eyes.

"What??" He rolled his eyes.

"What is your fucking problem??" Luna asked mad.

"I don't know what you mean?!"

"Ohhh I'm sure you know exactly what I mean."

"No I don't. I did nothing wrong. What are you saying??"

"Are you fucking serious Rafe?!"

He crossed his arms and clenched his jaw.

"Are you seriously gonna pretend you haven't been ignoring me since you ate at the restaurant because your little Kook friend said something. What was up with that??"

"You were ignoring me too..."

Luna stood up.

"This is ridiculous. You couldn't even give me your order or look at me! And that after what you've said to me the day before. When we were with Barry that didn't matter anymore??! Any of the shit was nothing to you?!" Luna shouted mad.
"I know that our friends cannot know about it but don't come to me and ask to hang out like nothing happened!"

Rafe rubbed his face and went with his hand through his hair, exhaling exhausted.
"I know it was wrong. But it's a lot of pressure. Can we just go to my place and pretend it didn't happen?"

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