Thirty Seven

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"What are you up for today?" Pope asked.
They sat outside, Luna had her break, he was delivering groceries again and The Wreck was his last destination so he stayed for a little.

"Mhm." She shook her head with her mouth full of salad. "Nope nothing yet."

"Okay good. What do you think about a movie night? There is one on Figure Eight,  10 Things I Hate About You is on."

"Ohh yes I love this movie."

"Amazing." Pope smiled.

"Who's coming too?" She asked.

"I don't know, you're the first person I asked."

"Ah. Okay." She smiled.

"I'll ask the others later," Pope leaned his head on the railing, he was tired. "It starts at 9 you can leave by then, right?"

"Yeah I have to work till 8."

"Amazing," He smiled. "I need to go now. Pop needs the car."

"Alright. See you later." Luna smiled.

"Bye." He waved as he got back into the van.


Luna still had to work two hours but it wasn't too busy so she had a chill end of work.

"Are you going to the open air movies?" Jonathan asked.


"Nice then we'll see us." He winked.

"Ha." Luna laughed and made a face but he didn't see it he was already walking to a customer.
Luna saw two guys calling for her. She nodded and walked to them.
"Hi I hope you enjoyed." She smiled at them.

"Yeah we would like to have the bill." One of the guys said and smiled at her. She noticed him checking her out.

"Of course." She nodded and got the bill.

The guys paid and then left soon. Exhausted Luna sat down behind the bar.

"Luna! Are you going with Kiara to the open air movies tonight?" Mr. Carrera came to her and asked.

"Yeah I guess." She nodded.

"Alright. Good." He said and left to the office.


The rest of the evening went fast by and soon she walked back to John to get ready for the movie.

They all were getting ready and were quite in a hurry.

While getting ready she facetimed with Sky. Sky was done with her project and tried to memorise it. Luna listened interested to her friends and gave her feedback.

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