Fifty Five

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One Month

The next days she stayed with the Pogues. She had a long conversation with JJ about her and Rafe. He wasn't happy about it but he tried to accept it. He didn't want to fight with her, he hated to fight with her, she was the only real family he had, he couldn't loose her too.
The others also accept it but Luna noticed that their behaviour towards her changed, she understood but it still bothered her.

She also tried to talk to Rafe. He was distant and didn't talk much back but he apologised for screaming at her. She accepted it. He also told her that he talked to Bret and confessed that Luna and him were dating, Bret was really happy. But he didn't told Topper or Kelce, he knew they would freak out.

This day Luna was going to Rafe again. She rode her bike to him. It was later and the sun would go down in two hours.

"Hey." He opened the door and gave her a kiss when he closed it.

She smiled into the kiss. She was surprised because of Ward going back to court his mood was bad and they weren't intimate or even kissed.

"How are you?" She asked him.

"Better. I'm sorry that I've been like that. You didn't deserves that." He gave her a kiss again.

"Thank you..." She sighed and he kissed her again more forced. "Rafe." She broke away.


"Did you take anything today?"

He hesitated. "No. I didn't." He lied, he was high right at the moment but not that much that she would notice.

"That's good." She smiled.

He smiled back at her. "I love you and never want to hurt you Luna."

"I love you too." She stroke over his cheek and he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"Do you know what day it is?" He asked her when they were laying on the couch.


"It's a month after I asked you to be together."

"Oh!" She chuckled. "Ona month already."

"Yeah." He nodded excited and they leaned in to kiss. First they started to kiss slow and lovingly but then Rafe pulled her closer and kissed her rougher. He was desperate for her touch they haven't touched each other for a longer time and he knew that it was his fault so he wanted to make it good again.

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