Seventy Nine

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Like always

"Can you not stay?" Luna stood against the wall and watched Rafe getting dressed into the suit from yesterday. It was the next morning and they both felt terrible. First because they were a bit hangover but mostly because they knew that they won't see each other for a long time. He had to fly back and she was staying in New York.

"You know I can't." He shook his head and closed his pants.

Luna looked away uncomfortably and wrapped her silky dressing gown closer around her body.

"Rose is going to kill me that I missed the flight." He sighed. "She already called me a million times." When Luna didn't answer he added. "Which I do not regret. I don't really care about the flight because I've met you." He started to close his shirt and looked at her. "You are way more important."

Luna walked to him. "I know. It's hard to let you go." She removed his hands from his shirt and started to button his shirt. They looked at each other. "I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to leave either. But I promise you that I'll figure it out. I'll talk to Rose and maybe I can transfer. She talked about cooperating with the guy I had the meeting with."

"Really?" She gasped and laid her hands on his chest after she finished buttoning it.

"Yes. It was the reason why I was here. The sales are going super well."

"Would you leave the island?" She hesitated, she knew how much he loved Kildare.

"For you? Of course, I would do anything." He took her face in his hands and stroke over her cheeks.

"Rafe, I love you."
"Luna, I love you."

They said at the same time and then laughed. She looked up at him with shining eyes, she closed them when she saw him tilting his head down to kiss her. He kissed her soft but then pulled away.
"But I'm so sorry for not talking to you. It sounds stupid but I couldn't handle the distance so I rather didn't want to talk to you."

"It is so stupid and the worst thing you could do. We need to communicate or it doesn't work, Rafe." She sighed sad.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"But I also didn't talk to you. I'm sorry."

"I guess it's both our fault. But as you said we figure it out like we always do."

"We are already figuring it out. I am certain that we can get through it."

"Yes and when Rose and Josh, the guy I had a meeting with, agree to work together I hopefully can come to you."

"That would be amazing." She smiled big and pulled him into a tight hug. "I missed you." She said against his chest.

"I love you." He lifted her head with his finger. "Don't forget that. And don't worry, I will work it out with Rose. For us."

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