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Your shirt

Luna woke up with a weird feeling in her head and stomach.
Last day and night felt surreal, like a dream. She was confused about what was going on between them two. She knew it was just physical but at the same time it was something different, they use their time as an escape to get away from the world around them. Still it was just sex.
She would have never imagined it to happen. That wasn't her thing. Not only what happened in the day and night but also the whole thing. She didn't even know how or when that happened. It was a short time maybe a month. They met up a few times and it always ended up with them sleeping together. It was good sex though, she wasn't mad about that, it was just confusing.

Not only had they so much lust and need for each other but they also felt comfortable. She didn't know, she always felt comfortable around him, sort of safe. Even though he never did anything really, it was just the feeling and the way they could be themselves when they were together.
It was completely weird and it felt wrong to think about it like that. It was truly terrifying.

They were suppose to hate each other like the whole Kook and Pogue thing was about but they didn't.

Luna let out a sigh and turned around to reach for her phone.
She stayed for a little while on instagram and texted a friend from uni back, Jay, helping with the assignment she also still had to finish.
After 20 minutes she got up and walked into the kitchen where John, Kie, Pope and JJ sat.
She was really hungry.

Luna was about to make a bread when she got interrupted by Pope.

"Shit Lue you really are JJ's sister." He laughed.

"What why??"

"The bread has mold on it."

"JJ tell her." John said and looked at JJ.

"No." JJ scuffed.

"Oh. JJ did you eat mold??" Luna asked, not believing her friends.

"Uh it's a natural organism...." He shrugged and tried not to smile.

"After taking a bite you almost threw up!" Kie laughed loud.

"Yeah yeah I thought we forgot about that." JJ couldn't help it and laughed.
They all laughed with him and Pope gave Luna soon a fresh toast.
Luna walked out on the veranda and sat down to eat. The rest followed her and JJ leaned on the chimney to vape.

"Hey!" Sarah walked up the stairs and sat down on the couch. After a while she whispered something in Kiara's ear and she widened her eyes as Sarah spoke.

"He did what?!" Kiara suddenly laughed.

"Stop whispering now tell everyone!" JJ said and shook his head.

"Uhm I think it's not a good idea." Sarah shrugged.

"Now tell us!" JJ repeated.


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