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Let's go surfing

Luna stayed for almost a week at the chateau trying to get her ankle healed. It was horrible, she couldn't do anything. Even when she tried walking to the fridge, JJ sent her back to bed. Ricky came over the day before and said that Luna could work and surf again. The ankle was fine.

Rafe had been asking almost every day how she was doing.
He wanted to meet but he knew that they couldn't. JJ showed him that a week ago when he aggressively said him to leave them alone.
But he couldn't just leave Luna. She made him feel better again.
Luna told him that she was fine again and could work. He was glad about that because that meant that he could see her. Since two days she was working again and on the second say he visited and they later hung out.


Luna got woken up from a message. She fell asleep on the hammock again.
By approve of Ricky after 4 days JJ let her walk out to the hammock.

By approve of Ricky after 4 days JJ let her walk out to the hammock

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She smiled while texting

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She smiled while texting. When she caught herself, she shook her head and cleared her throat. Stop!

But she felt good when he was around. Comfortable and safe. It was always fun with him. He was the one that helped her to get out of her mind, now that Sky isn't on the island.
It was weird she knew that for herself. But maybe she shouldn't be mad at herself every time she catches herself thinking about him and her. Their relationship grew really fast and they got closer in the last weeks than they had ever been.
She and also him would have never thought that this would be possible. 

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