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My shirt looks good on you

They arrived at Rafe's house soon and he opened the front door.
They went inside and Rafe showed her the guest room, she already knew where it was. She slept there before after a party with Sky and a friend of her, they were too drunk to go home.

After getting comfortable in the guest room she went to the bathroom. The way back went by really fast and she couldn't process what was happening, the evening was strange and unreal.
In the bathroom, Luna looked in the mirror. She looked horrible. Her face with the bruises was puffed, it was bad. It had been never that bad. Her stomach started to hurt and her chest tightened.
Luna didn't wanted to start to cry again but in her drunken state she couldn't help it.
A heavy pressure build up in her chest and she started to breath heavy, almost panic. Soon the tears were rolling down her cheeks, she was holding onto the sink, stabilising herself.

"Luna? What's going on?" She heard Rafe from the outside. He wanted to get into his room but got interrupted by Luna's crying. He didn't want her to be alone in there.

"Nothing it's fine." She said trying to sound as normal as she could but failed badly.

"Please open the door..."

She didn't answered, she didn't want Rafe to see her like that. She couldn't stop the tears.

"Luna? Please!" Rafe heard Luna sobbing like she was in the beginning of the night.


"Open the door." He said again.

"No go away!"

"Luna open the fucking door!"

Luna sighed and gave in. The door opened and she was standing with dropped shoulders and red eyes in front of Rafe.

"I don't know. It's just-." She tried to say but Rafe shushed her and walked up to her to embrace her in a hug.
She flinched when he touched her. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She whispered.

"I don't know. I try to help you..." He said also confused about his actions.

Luna just nodded and hugged him back, she relaxed soon, she let him held her.
Luna was crying like a little kid. She had no idea where that came from. But Rafe lifted her up and held her in his arms while walking to the guest room. She held onto him and snuggled her head on his shoulder, crying hard.
He dropped her careful down on the bed and put a blanket over her body. He sat next to her and brushed over her face drying her tears.

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