Fifty Six

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High At Beach

The talk with Sarah was good. Luna felt a bit better but when she went to bed she was crying again. She wanted to text Rafe and tell him that she regrets breaking up with him, that she loves him but she knew that she should leave it. It was better for them to not be together for a bit. And the more she was thinking about it it pissed her off, Rafe's behaviour and everything involved in it.


A week had passed. Sarah was that kind to get her laptop and other things from Rafe. She didn't tell Luna but Rafe was doing terrible. She had a talk with him and he was crying to whole time and even more when she got Luna's things. Rafe also said that it was better and it was his fault that everything went down.

She had a serious talk about his substance abuse:

"I'm sorry..." He said and turned his head to hers.
"I said to dad that I'll try to get clean and promised that I'll be better but... but he makes me so exhausted. I just can't take it anymore."

Sarah wrapped her arms around him and he leaned his head against her shoulder.
"I know, I know."

"No but... but I know that you don't believe me."

"That's not true. I do. I really do. You will get trough this. We will get trough it. Rafe you're my brother."

He nodded. "Thank you. Sarah. Tell Luna that.... No don't tell her anything."

Sarah bit her inside cheek and nodded. "I'm going now. Call me if you need anything."

He nodded and opened the door for his sister.


Luna had uni the while week so it was a good distraction over the day but when it was night she was crying. Almost every night she fell asleep with tears on her skin.
She was exhausted and she could feel the missing sleep over the day. She wasn't concentrating during uni and work and everyone else also noticed. Mike send her home to rest but she didn't want to leave. She even fought about it with Mike. In the end he drove her to John's and stayed there till she fell asleep which was fast because she was so tired and drained.


It was Saturday and Luna was alone in the house. Her friends went in a small treasure hunt. She was reading for hours.
Luna looked at he phone and saw that Caroline had called her a few minutes ago, she called back.

"Hello?" Someone picked up but it wasn't her stepsister.

Luna couldn't keep talking.


"Mum it's me."

"Who's there?"

"It's me Luna."

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