Forty One

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Rafe woke up twice that night. The first time he had to pee, he got up, put his boxers on and went to the bathroom. When he walked back to bed he looked at Luna who was asleep, she looked relaxed. The shirt she wore was way too big and hung below her shoulder. It made him smile.
The second time was a few hours later. He woke up by Luna rolling around and whining. First he was confused but then realised that she was having a nightmare.

"Mh... no.... Leave me alone..." She gasped.

"Luna!" He mumbled and tried to wake her up, "You're dreaming."

"Don't- no..." She shook him off.

"Luna." He touched her shoulder, "Wake up!"

With a little scream and heavy breathing she woke up.
"Don't touch me!" She flinched away.

"It's me. It's Rafe." He said calm but Luna slapped his arms away, she was terrified. "Luna! You were dreaming this here is real now. It's me..."

"Oh god-" She breathed when she came back to reality.

"We are in my house, in the bedroom, everything is fine."

"Mh..." She choked. "I- sorry."

"No don't worry. I want you to feel safe, do you feel save now?"

"Yea. Thank you for waking me up."

"Come here." Rafe opened his arms and she snuggled close against him. He hugged her from behind and held her close. On her shoulder he left soft kisses in hope to calm her down.

Luna stroke over his arm that held her and sighed. "Thank you, Rafe."

"Of course. What was the dream about?"

"I can't remember anymore." That was a lie. She had that nightmare at least twice already. All about what David did to her, it scared her. But she didn't want Rafe to worry about her.

"Okay so it wasn't that bad." He said quiet.
"Sleep well." He whispered against her neck. "You're save here moon.

"Moon." She whispered smiling.

"Mh!" Rafe laughed quite and stroke her hand that was intertwined with his.
He stayed awake till he thought that Luna was asleep.

But Luna couldn't sleep, she couldn't fall asleep till she heard chirping outside, she opened her eyes and saw light coming through the half open blinds. Somewhere then she fell asleep finally.

Moon |Rafe Cameron| Where stories live. Discover now