Seventy Five

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We need to talk

The goodbye was sad and Riley cried but Rafe and Luna promised her that they would come and visit soon. Caroline also suggested to come and visit them on the island which they took happily. They landed in the evening and Sarah picked them up again. They immediately drove to Rafe, Luna had just texted JJ that they landed but were so exhausted. They cooked fast and after eating they went to bed.

The next morning they woke up later, Luna didn't care that she missed a class, Joey would send her the notes he took.

"Moon?" Rafe stroke over her skin.

"Mhm." She nodded against his chest, they were cuddled together.

"It's late. Already 1pm."

"Oh my-" She sighed. "Why?"

He chuckled. "I know."

"Let's get up. I'm hungry."

"Yes. Maybe I can go to the bakery."

Luna widened her eyes excited. "Fresh bread and rolls! Yes."

"Great. I am getting dressed and go then."

"I can come with you."

"It's fine, you can stay in bed for 10 more minutes."

"I hoped you would say this." She grinned.

He smiled back at her and then left.


After they ate Luna sat on the couch. Rafe noticed that she has been quiet since he came back to get breakfast. He was confused but didn't thought too much about it because she was sometimes like that. She needed some alone time sometimes especially when she gets her period. So he let her be and meanwhile she sat on the couch, he tidied up the kitchen.

"Rafe... can we talk?" Luna finally spoke after saying nothing after long time. He looked at her from the kitchen.

"Yeah what's up?" He smiled and threw himself on the couch next to her. When he saw the look on her face, his face dropped and an uncomfortable feeling went through his stomach. "What is it?" He now said unsure.

"It's about when I go back to Uni."

"When is that again?" He asked, even though he knew, he just wanted to hear it out of her mouth to make him realise it.

"March. Which is-"

"In 3 weeks." He finished her sentence.

"Yes..." She played with her fingers. "I'll be there the whole semester and have a break in September."

Moon |Rafe Cameron| Where stories live. Discover now