Thirty Four

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I take care of you

Minutes after Rafe fell back to sleep Luna woke up.
Her head was killing her and and her ears were beeping. She had no idea what happened, she couldn't remember. Luna opened her eyes, where was she? She knew the room and finally realised that she was laying in Rafe's bed.
Luna turned around to look at Rafe but he wasn't there, his side also wasn't used. She looked under the blanket, just in case, she was fully dressed, she was confused. But her tiredness overweight and she fell back to sleep.


In a shock Rafe woke up, he had a horrible dream, it was about Luna. David got her and kidnapped her from Rafe's room. In panic Rafe looked at his bed but he realised it was all a dream and Luna was still sleeping peacefully in his bed, a little bit rolled to the side and one hand over the blanket.
"She's so beautiful."
Rafe kept looking at her till he got tired again and his mind told him. "Stop it, stop with the feelings, it's not right! FRIENDS!"
He turned his back and fell asleep again.


Luna woke up, now knowing where she was, she was still confused though. Everything was blank in her mind.
"What happened?"

When she lifted the blanket she felt pain in her wrist, it was bruised. And suddenly the moments of last night came rushing back but all blurry, it didn't make any sense.

A snoring made her turn around. Rafe was lying on the couch snoring quiet. He was always snoring after a party, when he was drunk. It really annoyed her but it was also funny.
Luna tried to get up and stumbled to the couch.
"Rafe?" She touched his shoulder.

He didn't answer, he was still sleeping.

Luna moved his shoulder again. She wanted to cry, her stomach felt bad, she had a bad feeling about yesterday night.

"Rafe wake up. Please. "

Finally he slowly opened his eyes.
"Oh gosh Luna! You are awake, I'm so glad." He lifted himself up and hugged her.

Luna shushed him, "Shut up I'm dying. Come with me."

She took his hand and pulled him a bit up.

"No stay here." Rafe pulled her now to him and she fell on him softly.

"Make yourself comfortable darling." Rafe whispered and she snuggled under the blanket on his chest.
They stayed for a while like that. Luna needed his closeness. He was making her feel safe, like always.

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