Sixty Five

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We will be alright

"So, just tell me... where have you been?" Luna lifted her head from his chest.

Rafe sighed and stopped his hands that were running over her naked body. "Can we talk about that tomorrow? I'm too tired to explain that right now."

Luna stopped herself from snapping at him because he was again excusing himself on answering. "Maybe it was better to go to bed without having an argument." But Luna was still anxious about what it was, it could be not that bad or really really bad.

"Okay." He kissed her head and wrapped his arm's tighter around her.

She felt him falling asleep soon but Luna couldn't sleep, the only thing she could think about was what Rafe lied about, where could he possible had been.
Somewhere around 5am she fell asleep but still had a restless sleep.


Rafe woke up the next morning at 9am. It was early but he couldn't fall back again and decided to stay awake and enjoy the closure of Luna, who still had her head laid on his chest and legs tangled with his. He knew that he eventually had to talk with her about where he was. He didn't know what to say. If he lied he would keep making it worse. Maybe he should tell the truth.
He tilted his head to look at Luna, she had her eyes closed but was not asleep. He noticed the dark circles under her eye and started to feel bad.
"What I've done is really eating her up."


Moon. She opened her eyes fast. "Yes?"

"How did you sleep?"

"... like shit to be honest." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry." He brushed over her back.

"I know..." She sighed and kissed his chest before rolling to the side leaving his body.

He immediately felt the lack of warmth her body gave him, for a little moment he felt empty. Luna got up and put her underwear on. Rafe looked after her while she left the room to go to the bathroom.

Luna sat on the toilet and stroke with her hands over her face. She was so tired and anxious about the whole situation. Last week was so good, New York was amazing and then as soon as they got back to the island everything went downhill.


Later they both sat at the kitchen table and ate bagels. They were both still tired and didn't talk but it was awkward because there were unspoken words.

Moon |Rafe Cameron| Where stories live. Discover now