Sixty Nine

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I still do

Its been three weeks since they broke up. Luna was doing a bit better and she got used to the pain she felt every time she went to bed and was alone with her thoughts. She appreciated everything her friends did to make her feel better and forget about Rafe. But it was hard. She couldn't forget about someone she loved, who made her feels so good and was her safe place, her home.

Rafe wasn't doing too well. The only thing he could think about was her and how he messed everything up. He was drinking with Topper and Kelce who now knew that they broke up and tried to support him a bit. They thought it was better for Rafe that he wasn't with her anymore and didn't understand that he actually loved her. But all he wanted to do is love her, be with her and wake up next to her. Not having her by his side was slowly killing him and he knew it was all his fault. He was so stupid to get in this deal with Barry and risk his life.

It was late evening and Rafe was drunk. Topper and Kelce had already left and he was just on a call with Bret. Bret was the only one who understood him and the only friend who he would cry in front. After the call he decided to go on a walk to get a free mind. He had no idea what he was doing but he ended up on the Cut in front of John B's house and rang the door bell.

JJ opened the door and stared Rafe. He was getting angry.
"What the fuck do you want??"

"Is Luna here?" He sighed.

"Yeah but I think she doesn't want to talk to you. She's just starting to get better."


"No!" He pushed Rafe away from the house.

"I really need to talk to her."

"Just leave us alone. And leave my sister alone." JJ said.

"I can't leave your sister alone."

"Why is that?"

Rafe stared a JJ.

"Mhm? Speak!"

"You know why. Because... Because I love her."

JJ threw a fist right in Rafe's face.
"You're talking bullshit!"

"No, I mean it!" He raised his hands in defence and stumbled back.

"And why do you keep hurting her!" JJ pushed Rafe away.

Rafe stared at the ground after brushing over his bleeding nose.

"Huh?" JJ hissed.

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