Sixty One

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The breakfast at the café was amazing. The place was almost empty and they enjoyed being just by themselves but still they were alerted and didn't touch much which was hard.

"Thank you." Luna smiled at Rafe when he payed the bill.

"No problem." He said and placed his hand on the small of her back while walking out of the café.
"Why don't we stay on the beach and take a short walk?"

"Sure. It's nice." Luna nodded agreeing and they walked along the water talking about random things while Luna kept picking stones and shells up.
"Oh look at this one!"

"Luna, what do you want with them?" Rafe chuckled.

"I don't know. Look at them."

Rafe shook his head and smiled.

She kept walking closer to the water and took her shoes off.

"Luna... we just wanted to do a short walk."

"The water is nice. Now come on." She waved him over but he still stayed in distance to the water.
He watched Luna walk through the water, her jeans getting a little wet. A smile played around his lips when he looked at her.

"Wait-" Luna stopped in her walk and saw at two people.

"What is it darling?" He looked to where she was looking.

"Isn't that Bret and Anthony?" She looked at them and walked back to Rafe.

"Oh my god... yes. What are they doing?"

"I- eh. Holding hands." She furrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean? Bret is not gay."

"Ohhh. Anthony said that he had a thing with this guy but he didn't come out yet."

"Do you think they are dating?" Rafe frowned.

"I don't know. We can ask them. They're walking our way and haven't seen us yet."

Rafe nodded and he kept walking with a crease between his eyebrows. He couldn't believe that Bret didn't told him, he was his best friend.

"Bret! Anthony!"

"Oh-" Bret stopped in his walk and let go of Anthony's hand. "Oh we eh-"

Moon |Rafe Cameron| Where stories live. Discover now