Final Note From The Author

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This book has come to its end and it's been a journey. It took a while and finally I finished this long ass book. I loved writing this book so much.
Thank you all for reading this story. I had so much fun writing this and I've never expected it to go that far. This book got so many reads it really surprised me. It took SOO long to write but the more I was writing and the more feedback I became I got more into it and it became really important to me. So my BIGGEST thank you for all the people who read, voted and commented. I appreciate you all. It wouldn't have gone so far without you:))

To me. This isn't just a Rafe Cameron fan fiction. I think it became a love story, that was inspired by Rafe.

When I think back to when I started writing with the small ideas I had I still can't believe
what it became and how much time has passed. I'm really proud of this book.

So thank you again, for your support.

Love, Anna 🫶

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