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Its been three months and both of them were handling the break up better and tried moved on. It was December and Luna got a letter from her uni that she could go back in February a few weeks ago. She was glad she wanted to leave the island. It was still hard to see Rafe around.

It was two days before Christmas and Bret talked her into going to a party with him and Anthony. It was in Hiling and even though she wasn't sure if it was good for her to be there she still agreed. Hiling was connected with Rafe and her, they were there so many times and it was their little escape on the island.

At 7:30pm Bret picked her up and then Anthony. They had a fun drive while singing and joking. Luna looked at the scenery like she always did when she was driving with Rafe.

The party went by and Luna got really drunk with Anthony and Bret. They both disappeared a few minutes ago and she was left with a group of friends who she didn't know but who immediately welcomed her. She was glad about that and joined their conversation which she usually would've never done but she was drunk and didn't care. They soon walked outside and started dancing.


Rafe just got to the party a few minutes ago, he still had to work with Rose. They got the customer back and the big project in Charleston. Because of that he had no time to think about Luna and it helped him.
He walked in and joined Topper with a bottle of beer. They talked and Kelce also came soon with Aaliyah.
While Kelce and Aaliyah went to dance, Topper and Rafe talked. First about the project in Charleston but then Topper brought up a topic Rafe wished he didn't.

"Luna is here..." Topper said low to Rafe.

Rafe nodded. "Have you seen her? Where is she?"

"I don't know I've seen her some hours ago... Why do you care?"

Rafe shrugged. "Just wondering."

"If you want to know where she is then just look for her." He said annoyed, it's been three months and Rafe was still focused on her. Rafe said that he was over her and moved on and it seemed like that when he was sober but even after a beer he was different and he could only mention Luna and that was what Rafe focused on the whole night then.

"Yeah I'm going to do that." Rafe nodded and left the house, heading outside. He saw some people dancing and walked up to the group. He breathed out nervously and tweaked his hair. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She looked beautiful and he had that feeling in his stomach again.
"Hey." Rafe said when he saw Luna. "What are you doing here?"

Luna turned around to him. "Oh- eh I came her with Bret and Anthony."


"Because why not?"

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