Twenty Three

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Luna washed her face and did a short cleaning up everywhere, she felt disgusting. Her make up was smeared which she saved by simply rubbing the rest away.
Then she left the bathroom going back to the room. Her mind was full of thoughts.
She couldn't believe that she was actually going home with Rafe. That they planned it, that he wanted her to be with him, that they wanted to vanish from the rest.
"Jeez what????"

Luna shook her head and ignored her thoughts. She walked into the room seeing Lauren asleep on the bed completely knocked out.
"Lauren?" She whispered just in case.
But she didn't answer.
Luna's heavy eyes wanted to make her also go to bed but she couldn't do that to Rafe. She promised but she was so tired.

It was only 5 minutes to wait so she decided to wait outside the room.


Meanwhile Rafe had a discussion with Jonny because he noticed that Rafe wanted to leave.

"Are you leaving with her?" Jonny confronted him.

"What, who?" He knew who he meant.


"No why should I. I'm leaving alone. It's like a 10 minute walk." Rafe responded.

"Mhm." He nodded.
"What was that at Barry's though."

"What?" Rafe turned his had staring angrily at Jonny.

"Puh maybe a month ago. When she had these bad bruises. You left with her."

"You're talking bullshit. I just brought her home."

"Sure. I won't tell anyone.... Ha... Rafe Cameron fucking a Pogue." He laughed.

Rafe scoffed.

"Now go and have a good fuck." Jonny rolled his eyes.

Rafe flipped him off and walked out of the room. He hoped that she wouldn't wait in front of the room.

She wasn't there.

He looked around seeing her nowhere, he decided to walk down and wait for her there. Luckily she was there. With Bret. Cleaning up.

"Ohh your pick up is here." Bret tapped Luna on the shoulder, she was just putting bottles into the trash.

They said goodbye to Bret and left his house, heading to Rafe's.

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