"It's okey"

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You're the Girlfriend of Scarlett Johansson.
She wanted to watch one movie with you.
She didn't knew, that you've been scared to watch that movie..

GxG; Fluff<3

Imagine you are the girlfriend of Scarlett Johansson. No matter if you're younger than her. She loved you.
You both loved watching movies together.
She always asked you wich movie you wanted to watch, already knowing the answer.
"What about... almost every movie with that beautiful and amazing avenger called Natasha Romanoff?" You kept answering.
She would smile at this response, and put on the movies.
No matter if it was "Black Widow"; "Civil War"; "Ironman 2" or the other ones.
But there was one movie you haven't watched with her.
In your 2 years relationship, you never watched "Endgame" with her.
Why? Because you would break down, crying harder than ever. Because Natasha would sacrifice her life to save the other's. And since you saw it the first time, you swore to yourself that you would never watch it again.
You couldn't handle Natasha's/Scarlett's dead body on the ground.
You know you couldn't sleep because everytime you closed your eyes, you would see her laying on the ground.

One evening, your girlfriend wanted to watch a movie with you.
"Baby, what do you want to watch?" She asked you.
"What about Civil War?" You asked, because it was one of your favorites with her.
"Sounds good, but why can't we watch Endgame? I haven't watched it for ages" Scarlett asked.
You felt your heart beat stopping for a second, nodding slowly.
"We don't have to if you don't want to, Baby" She said.
"No No..  it's okey.." You replied with a forced smile.

Scarlett pulled you into a tight hug, as you started watching the movie.
You sat there, not really paying attention to the movie.
You knew it would hurt you.
You were quite okey most of the time, but as Natasha said "See you in a minute" you snuggled into Scarlett's neck, trying not to cry.
She pulled you closer, stroking over you back.

You looked at the TV again, seeing that Natasha and Clint were on the space ship.
They were on their way to Vormir to get the soul stone.
As they landed, you felt your eyes watering, trying to hide it from your girlfriend.

"Soul for Soul" the creepy guy on Vormir said.
Natasha and Clint started to argue, who would give their life.
Natasha stood up, but Clint held her back.
You started sobbing, knowing what would happen.
Scarlett looked at you, mumbling "Baby, it's okay, it is just a movie"
Clint jumped of the cliff, but Tasha followed him.
He catched her, not being able to hold her.
Whimpers left your mouth, as you started to break down.
Natasha slipped out of his hands, sacrificing her life.
She fell down the cliff, landing on the ground.
You couldn't help but cried loud.
Scarlett pulled you into her lap, stroking over your head.
"Shh, Baby, it's all fine. I am here and I will not leave you" Scarlett said, while you cried into her chest.
"Can we watch something else?" You asked between sobs.
Scarlett immediately turned on your favorite show "WandaVision" which used to make you laugh everytime.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scarlett asked.
"I.. was afraid you would laugh at me.. because Tasha is just a character.. but she's been my comfort character.. I loved her, and I still do. Without her, I never would've met you.. I only watched Endgame one time.. with my best friend. And I broke down crying just like this.. I swore to myself, that I would never watch it again.. I couldn't sleep for nights, because everytime I closed my eyes, I would see Tasha's lifeless body.." You replied.
"Baby, I would never laugh at you! I totally understand what you mean. Tasha is a great character. I loved being her. It was amazing. And I promise you that, if you don't ever want to watch this movie again, we don't have to. If you want to watch it, that's okey. You can always cry into my chest. I will never leave you Baby" Scarlett said with a calming voice.
She lifted your head up to look you in your eyes and you nodded in agreement.
She smiled at you, and gave you a sweet kiss and you of course kissed her back.

You still sat on her lap, as you both started watching WandaVision.
Soon, your tears were dried, you both laughed.
"And tonight, if you can't sleep, just cuddle as close as possible. I will be there for you, so you don't have to picture *that* thing all of the time, okey?" Your girlfriend whispered into your ear and you nodded.
You leaned back, kissing her cheek.
You felt comfortable around Scarlett. Of course you did.
You knew, that you wouldn't have to picture *that* scene, since you knew, she was with you and wouldn't leave you.

You soon fell asleep, your head laying on her chest.
Scarlett played with your hair, carrying you to bed.
You didn't have any nightmares this night.

Yeah this is my first Oneshot about Marvel/ ScarJo so yeahhh
I know, it's short and I'm sorry.
I will try to write longer ones when I get the ideas✋🏻😩

Marvel Oneshots/ ScarJo,Lizzie Olsen&Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now