Mom..? {Lizzie×Fem!Reader}

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Y/n was the daughter of the one and only Elizabeth Olsen.
Was she happy? Yes, at least everyone thought she was.
Deep down, she felt left alone.
Her mom didn't know about y/n going to therapy because of her depression and anxiety attacks and everything.
One day, Liz was working and y/n was having a huge panic attack..

Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, self harm

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Requested by: Ellie_Mu11

PoV nobody:

You were on your way back home from therapy.
It didn't went so well, because you've started crying as you were talking about your mom, Elizabeth Olsen.
She doenst know about anything you are going through and you dknt want her to know.
Why? Because you are afraid.
It was a really big step to talk to a therapist, but talking to your mother is a different level.
It was more difficult, you thought.
You couldn't talk about your problems  at least not with people who are very close to you.
You know, you could talk to Chris Evans, or Scarlett Johansson since they were your godparents.
But nope. You head made you pretend to be happy whenever you were around people.

As you entered the house, you said
"Mom?" No answer.
You went into the kitchen to see a piece of paper laying on the counter.
"Hey Darling, I had to go to the set, we have to redo some scenes. I didn't knew when you'd come home. If you wanna eat something, there's food in the fridge. I love you Honey♡"

Means, she's not home.
When she'd come home? No clue.
You went to the fridge  made yourself some food and ate it.
Then you went to your room, crying in peace since Nobody was there.
As you were about to fall asleep, your phone rang.
You looked at it, to see it was your mom.
You accepted the call.
"Hey Honey, you okey?" Your mom asked.
"Yeah.. I'm fine.." you said, trying to hide that you were crying.
"Have you been crying?" She asked concerned.
"No, yeah.. it was just a sad movie. I'm fine Mom" you replied.
"Hmm, okey. Hun, I gotta go back to work. I'll be home at 10 I think. Love you" with that, she hung up.

You threw your phone across the room, groaning and standing up.
What were you doing?
You looked at your clock, seeing that it was 8.
You had two hours until your mom came home.
You decide, that you wanted to go out, go for a walk to clear your head.
So you changed your clothes, took your headphones and you your phones and went downstairs.
Then you grabbed your keys and left the house.

PoV Y/n

I had absolutely no clue, were I wanted to go.
I knew every street, every park, every alley.
I put some music on and then just walked.
I listened to Måneskin. An Italian band which I was totally in love with.
Especially their bassist, Vic. Damn.
As I was walking, I started singing and dancing a bit.
They were the only ones to make me happy currently.

Time went by, and as I took a look on my phone, it was already half past 10.
"Fuck" I muttered to myself.
I turned around and took the fastest way home.
As I arrived, my Mom was already home.
She was waiting at the door, impatiently stomping her food on the floor.
"Young Lady, where have you been? No note? Nothing? You could've been kidnapped!" (Harry Potter vibes)
"Mom, I sorry. I was out for a walk and I lost track of time.." I said looking down
"I was worried sick! Go to your room!" She said.
I didn't reply and just went to my room.
I locked the door and started to cry.
"Fuck, fuck, Fuck.." I whispered to myself, as I was rocking forth and backwards.
I was then walking through my whole room, trying to calm myself down.
I couldn't handle it, when people yelled at me.
It caused panic.
I started to sweat, breathing didn't really work.
I stumbled to my bathroom, grabbing g something from the counter.
I looked at it, thinking whether I should do it or not.
I didn't want to do it, but I needed to feel.
"Vaffanculo, y/n" I whispered to myself as I cut into my arm.
Blood was coming out immediately.
I did another cut, and another, and another.
I turned to my other arm. I did the same to it.
And then my stomach.
And my legs.
I lost track of time. Again.
How long have I been in here?
My breath started to even as I started to clean my cuts.
Then I bandaged them and cleaned the sink.
Everything was full with blood.
Eventually I made it to my bed where I laid down.
Then, I fell asleep.

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