Ice Skating{Yelena Belova×Fem!Reader}

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Short fluff with Yelly<3
Enjoy <3

PoV: y/n

Today was a great day. It wasn't anything special, but the weather was quite nice, it wasn't hot but luckily not really cold, since it was actually November.
And our Ice Skating Rink had re-opened a fee days ago and I was so looking forward to Skating again!
It was one of my favorite things to do, and I've been Skating since I was little.
So, I just put my clothes on, not too warm{you choose the outfit<3} and grabbed my Ice Skates

{I chose them bc they're beautiful}Quickly I put my phone, my water bottle and some small snacks like an apple into my backpack and then grabbed my keys and left my small apartment here in New York

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{I chose them bc they're beautiful}
Quickly I put my phone, my water bottle and some small snacks like an apple into my backpack and then grabbed my keys and left my small apartment here in New York.
As I went outside, it was snowing a little, and I giggled to myself like a little child.
They way to the Ice Skating Rink wasn't really long, just about ten minutes maybe, and I just went there, listening to some music.
It was only November but everywhere I looked, I saw lots of Christmas stuff and decorations and so on.
The Christmas Time has always been my favorite time of the year, and I mostly spent it with my family in Italy
Yeah, my family lives in Italy, and I used to live there too. But then I wanted to go to university and decided to go to NYU. And then well, I moved to New York and now I'm here. I already finished my school and everything and now I've been living here since at least 4 years I think.
Sometimes I also spend my Christmas with friends Ive made in those years and it has always been the best for me.

I arrived at the Ice Skating Rink and got in, paying and then went downstairs to where the actual Rink was.
I put my Skates on, took my scarf and jacket and put them together with my backpack into a locker so i knew, my things would be save.
After I did that, I said Hi to everyone who worked there, and since everyone knew me, they were happy to see me.
"Y/n! It's great to see you again" said Hector, my favorite worker here and also one of my best and oldest friends. We met as I was Skating her on my very first day after I moved and we instantly had a connection
"Hec! Yes, it's so great to see you! How have you been?" I asked after we hugged.
"Great actually. Helen was pregnant, as you knew, and our little daughter was born just 5 days ago." He said with a big smile.
"Aww, Im so happy for you! What's her name?" I asked.
"Her name is Scarlett, and she's the sweetest. She doenst cry a lot, she's rather quiet and she's an angel. You have to come by these days to meet her! Also Helen and I were wondering if you maybe wanted to be her godmother?"
"Omg, I'd love to! And yeah I would definitely love to come by, just call or text me whenever you're free. I really want to see Helen again, I miss her a lot!"
"Yeah, I'll text you, and believe me, she has been talking about you non-stop. But now go, I know you want to skate!" Hector laughed.
I replied with a smile and we hugged each other again before I went onto the ice.

Not many people were here, since it was quite early and the Rink has just opened. I was always early, because I had the Rink almost for myself.
As I was on the ice, I took a deep breath and started Skating.
It felt wonderful and I felt that I was in my element.
I could do a lot, but I had to get warm at first and skated some rounds, trying a few things, like Skating, then turning around but keep Skating backwards or Skating on one foot and so on.
It all worked perfectly and as I felt more comfortable, I also did little jumps, turns and everything you can imagine.
It felt like pure magic and I was so happy to be back here.

Time Skip over about 2 hours

The Rink has gotten fuller, and I've done some things, seeing that the people who watched me enjoyed it.
Some also clapped and I always blushed a little at this.
Now I was only Skating my rounds, forwards and backwards as suddenly I bumped into someone.
Both of us tried to keep our balance and luckily succeeded. We both hung onto each others arms, trying not to fall, but I mumbled "Cazzo, y/n!" Before saying out loud "Shit, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to skate into you"
Then I looked up and looked into the most beautiful and mesmerizing green eyes I've ever seen.
The woman smiled at me and said "Don't worry please. You looked great. I mean you look great and I love how you skate!"
It was a cute ramble and I had to chuckle "Thank you uhm.."
"Yelena" the woman smiled.
"Thank you, Yelena. That's a beautiful name" I smiled at her.
"Thank you! What's your name?" She asked
"Oh, I'm y/n. Are you from New York?" I asked her, just noticing that we still hung onto each others arms. Yelena seemed to notice too, and both of us blushed and let go of each other.
"Nop, but I moved here about 2 years ago. Are you from here? You dont have this typical new Yorker accent" she smiled.
"You're right, I'm from Italy, actually but I moved here a few years ago and went to NYU and so on" I smiled at her.
"Oh that's interesting. For how long have you been Skating?" Yelena asked.
"Good question. Since I was little, maybe about 4?" I thought out loud.
"Damn, how old are you now? You loon Ryan young"
"Thank you! I'm actually 25, and you?" I asked back.
"I'm 26 actually" she laughed.
"Ohh that's cool. Do you maybe want me to show you some things about skating?" I asked her with a smile.
"I'd love to! My sister Natasha doesn't really skate, and my friends left me alone as soon as we were on the ice. I have never skated so I'm really clumsy about all that" Yelena laughed her beautiful laugh.
"Then let's go" I smiled and took her hand.

We took a few rounds and she held onto my hands tight, afraid she might fall.
I always praised her, because she was doing really good.
It was lots of fun to show yelena those things and to help her.
After a few rounds, she also told me, she wanted to try to skate alone as she knew I'd be there to catch me incase she would fall.
Yelena was so incredibly cute and super sweet, and I was happy I bumped into her.
Skating with her was.lots of fun and at some point, we took a break and sat down to drink something.
"That was lots of fun! I absolutely loved it! Thank you so much for teaching me, Y/n!" Yelena smiled after taking a few sips.
"Just can give it back. It was so much fun to help you and to spend time with you!" I replied smiling.
"Oh, I wanted to ask you, if you wanted to exchange numbers? You seem rely nice and I like you a lot already" Yelena asked blushing.
"I'd love to, here" i smiled and gave her my phone so she could type her number in. Then she texted herself over my phone and saved my number in hers.

"Thank you a lot, again. It was so lovely, and I hope we see each other again soon!" Yelena said and hugged me.
While the hug, butterflies erupted in my stomach and I blushed.

Sorry for not updating:(
I hope ur not mad, but hey, here's a new small one<3
I hope u like jt<3

Love u all
Remember to eat and drink
Go for a little walk
And remember you're not alone<3

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