You are my first Everything {Natasha × Lyra}

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You're  Lyra, a girl who is part of the Barden Bellas (yes, I mixed Marvel and Pitch Perfect)
Natasha replace the role of Calamity (third movie).
You may or may not fall in love with her.
(I actually wrote that for a friend, so some "Natasha"'s might be "Calamity"'s.)

Warnings: Fluff (I think) and Smut

Hey my Name's Lyra
I'm a part of the Barden Bellas, and we sing A-Capella.
It's so much fun!
We're having a competition the next days, so we're at the airport rn.
I'm friends with every Bella, but Chloe, Becca and Wanda (yes, Wanda is a Bella now too xD) are my best friends.
I love them so much.

Some military guys tell us something about the competition and stuff.
After that, they lead us inside.
There are like 3 other Bands, and the military guys introduce us to each other.
I don't really listen as I look around, taking all the new expressions.

"Ly? Earth to Lyra?" Becca whispers and nudges me.
I look up, just to look into beautiful light green eyes.
"I'm Natasha, and you are?" The woman says.
I stutter "Uh, I- I'm-"
"That's Lyra, sorry, she's a bit.. distracted right now" Chloe says grinning at me.
I feel my cheeks turn red, as I turn around.
Fuck, Natasha is like the hottest girl I have ever seen.

"What about a riff off?" Aubrey asks.
"A what?" Natasha asks back and my friends start to explain what it is.
Everyone agrees, and we start singing a song.
It's Toxic by Britney Spears.
And I have my Solo in it.
I start to sing it, while the Bellas all sing the melody.
I feel a pair of eyes on me as I sing and I look up, just to see Natasha smiling at me.

I quickly lower my gaze, as I know that her green eyes would distract me.
Fuck it.

As we stop singing, Natasha starts a new song, Zombie.
And holy fuck. Her voice is- I really don't know how to describe this.
She has such an incredibly gorgeous voice!
I look at her, mesmerized but her eyes, her look, her voice.
Wanda nudges me, as we start singing again.

After the Riff Off, back in my hotel room and I can't stop thinking about Natasha.
Someone knocks at my door and opens it.
"Hey, you okey?" Becca asks me and I just shake my head yes.
She sits down next to me "You know I know you're lying, right?"
I just shrug my shoulders
"What's wrong? Your mind has been somewhere else since we got into that hanger and met the other bands, do they scare you?" Becca asks concerned.
"No No, don't worry, they don't. Even though her voice is fucking good" I mumbled the last sentence but she still heard it.
"Who's voi- Oh my God you mean Natasha!!" She almost screams so I put my hand over her mouth.
"Shh! Shut up!"
"Lyra is In love, Lyra is in love" Becca giggles.
I blush "No, yes, maybe, I don't know! But not everyone has to know!"
She giggled more.

Suddenly we heard a knock and Chloe and Wanda came in.
She tells us, that the girls want a like sleepover in her room
Becca and I stand up and go to Chloes room.

It's a really fun evening, with lots of laughters, snacks and everything.
I love those girls, and for 4 hours I didn't even spend a thought to Natasha.

As soon as I got to bed, my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep.
I was dreaming about Natasha.
Who could blame me? She's hot.
But she's the "enemy". Aubrey would hate me.
And what would the others say?

Time Skip 7 days later cuz I can

It's been now some days, and I had to see Nat every. Single. Day.
I could feel her gaze on me all the time, and that gave me shivers. Sometimes I looked at her, hoping she wouldn't notice. But she did. She looked at me too, us making eye contact for what felt like an eternity.
Becca snapped me out of my thoughts just laughing at me.
She always made fun of me so I had to blush.

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